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Introduction to Cloud Computing - 12023-cloud-computing-wp.pdf. What is Software Architecture? - Architecture tutorial. This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.

What is Software Architecture? - Architecture tutorial

We use the term a lot, but what exactly is software architecture? Is it just ‘big design’, or perhaps even something that is distinct from design? Is it to be found in a document? Is it the diagrams in a PowerPoint presentation of a system? Is it something abstract or is it like a blueprint? There is a tendency in the world of software development to throw jargon around to create a buzz, sometimes accompanied with the hope that busyness will be a passable stand-in for substance. The good news is that in amidst the marketecture and hand-waving, there are a number of clear points of view that shed light on the notion of software architecture. From building structure to software structure Given that the word architecture is taken from the world of buildings and construction, that source may offer some useful inspiration.

Enterprise Architecture Design and the Integrated Architecture Framework. Andrew Macaulay CGEY January 2004 Summary: Describes Cap Gemini Ernst & Young's Integrated Architecture Framework, and describes a model for enterprise architecture and its importance in helping software architects understand the business as a whole. (8 printed pages) Contents Enterprise Architecture in ContextCap Gemini Ernst & Young's Integrated Architecture FrameworkCommunication and Architecture GovernanceLinking Architecture and DesignSummaryFurther Reading Enterprise Architecture in Context Over the past few years, and as software and systems engineering has matured, it has become accepted that there is a clear need for an 'architectural view' of systems.

Enterprise Architecture Design and the Integrated Architecture Framework

The 'architectural view' of systems (both business and IT systems) is defined in the ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471-2000 as: 'the fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution'. Enterprise Architecture. Figure 1. Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications. If anything about current interaction design can be called “glamorous,” it’s creating Web applications.

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

After all, when was the last time you heard someone rave about the interaction design of a product that wasn’t on the Web? (Okay, besides the iPod.) All the cool, innovative new projects are online. Despite this, Web interaction designers can’t help but feel a little envious of our colleagues who create desktop software. Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed out of reach on the Web. That gap is closing. Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. Defining Ajax. Gmail Agent API / Mail Notifier & Address Importer · Johnvey Hwang. July 5, 2004 Update 5/18/2005: The long awaited SourceForge project for this API has been created.

Gmail Agent API / Mail Notifier & Address Importer · Johnvey Hwang

Eric Larson has been gracious enough to help out with the project. See for the latest release. What is it? There are two distinct components here: an open source Gmail API written for the .NET framework, and a proof of concept Windows application built on top of that API that provides basic remote Gmail functions. I developed these tools in the hopes of encouraging others to create interesting Gmail services.

This project has been mentioned by InfoWorld, The Sydney Morning Herald, Google Hacks, and Adaptive Path. Chris Justus - Server Side Guy: Google Suggest Dissected... People have been contributing their two cents to how this works, but I have un-compressed (ie. re-written) Google's compressed javascript, so that the average web developer should be able to get a detailed understanding of how this works....

Chris Justus - Server Side Guy: Google Suggest Dissected...

My final rewrite is available from my website here. I saw the coolest thing I've seen since realizing that Mozilla was embedding a wsdl-enabled SOAP client into this browser... Google Suggest returns suggested results as you type... This is technically amazing on about at least two different levels: Mapping Google. By now, many of you will have gone and tried out the new Google Maps application.

Mapping Google

By and large, you have to admit that it's pretty damned slick for a DHTML web application -- even my wife was impressed, and that's not easy with geek toys. So, in the spirit of Google Suggest and GMail, I've decided to have a quick peek under the hood to figure out what makes it tick. Not quite like GMail The first thing I noticed is that it doesn't quite work like GMail. Whereas GMail uses XMLHttp to make calls back to the server, Google Maps uses a hidden IFrame.

The Graphics Probably the most striking thing about Google Maps is the very impressive (for DHTML, anyway) graphics. For those to whom the implementation is less than obvious, here's a quick breakdown. Google map, with tiles outlined The push-pins and info-popups are a different matter. The pushpin, with its two images outlined Communicating with the Server There are two ways in which Google Maps has to communicate with the server.

<! Introduction to Cloud Computing - 12023-cloud-computing-wp.pdf.