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Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw the Female Form. Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Create Movement and Action. What is a cartoon without any kind of action?

Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Create Movement and Action

What is a cartoon, that doesn't tell us a story? You may have seen artistic studies of the human body, drawn from a live model for reference. Cartoon Fundamentals: Create Emotions From Simple Changes in the Face. There are millions of eyes, mouths, noses, ears, chins in the world, each with their own characteristics.

Cartoon Fundamentals: Create Emotions From Simple Changes in the Face

However, to draw faces in a cartoon style, you just need to understand the basics of them. Once you have mastered these concepts, pay attention to the depth, make sure that the head of your characters give the impression of being three-dimensional and you have mastered the technique of drawing them from every imaginable angle. If you can do that, great! Cartoon Fundamentals: How to Draw a Cartoon Face Correctly.