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Nouveaux paysages urbains

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Urbanism. Future Cities. Caen Master Plan, Caen / France by JDS Architects. The masterplan project in Caen stretches from the English Channel to the city center. The site is situated at the tip of the peninsula created by the meeting points from the extended paths of the sea. Because of this particular situation, we see the island as a place that aims to be densely built, incorporating public and political functions.

Project Details: Location: Caen, France Type: Urban Design – Urban Planning Architects: JDS Architects – Client: SPLA Caen-Presqu’île Size: 114.000 m2 Status: Competition Normandy’s coastal and natural qualities have always made the region a beautiful and peaceful place to be. In our proposal, we took this quality to create an urban park that injects a Normand’s countryside to an urbanized zone. This urbanized landscape is formed from the extrusion of a grid that is molded to slope down towards the center of the park.

DMG. Données Driven City, Le Caire / Egypte par Mekano studio. 25 January 2011 The Revolution that inspired millions of people inside and outside of Egypt, the Day that every Egyptian Started to feel the humanity, the first day of the new era, the day that all the world will remember as the day that all the Egyptians earned their Freedom. Data Driven City, Time Smart Analysis, A collective City Revolution On The Human psyche It wasn’t a political revolution only, there was something that been risen and grown inside each one who took part in this great incident that turned into festival, something that turned the revolution into a starting point for a new era, with new gradients that needs to be combined together with caution in order to achieve the right and requested results, People wants to feel honoured and living freely with a new vision and a different treatment to their mind, to be treated like real humans.

Real Team, Egyptians obstacles and problems Site Location Time Line and expected strategy Egypt connecting the world Conceptual Parametric shape. Local-Code: WPA 2.0. Nicholas de Monchaux & collaborators Berkeley, CA Natalia Echeverri, Liz Goodman, Benjamin Golder, Sha Hwang, Sara Jensen, David Lung, Shivang Patwa, Kimiko Ryokai, Thomas Pollman, Matthew Smith, Laurie Spitler Proposal Location : Major US Cities with city-owned abandoned lots, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington DC. Case study developed for San Francisco. Local Code : Real Estates uses geospatial analysis to identify thousands of publicly owned abandoned sites in major US cities, imagining this distributed, vacant landscape as a new urban system. Using parametric design, a landscape proposal for each site is tailored to local conditions, optimizing thermal and hydrological performance to enhance the whole city’s ecology—and relieving burdens on existing infrastructure. SeamlessHousing. SeamlessHousing text.

The method chosen in order to deal with the problem is creating a mechanism of growing architecture as a planning tool. A workflow I called "hybridAlgorithm" was developed, uniting the human architect with the computer in order to create a logical hierarchical growth mechanism. As the site is inserted into the system, "Forces" are defined by the user (the Architect) as lines, volumes and points, giving them strengths and decay methods. This resembles the conventional planning method of defining a "total scheme" for the site, only now this scheme becomes a diagram of statistical powers affecting each point of the site.

Les Corporate Rankings - Corporate Invention Board.

Urbantactics [Dmg] Cités végétales - architecture bionique. Innovation municipale: quelles leçons tirer de la Ville d’Ottawa? « INNOVACLASS Blog. Image: Ville d’Ottawa Youmani Jérôme Lankoandé Face à la concurrence des économies émergentes la plupart des pays occidentaux font face au même dilemme, en termes de politiques publiques, qui se resume à ceci: comment conjuguer politiques sociales, création d’emplois et développement d’infrastructures durables alors qu’ils sont concurrencés par les pays émergents dont les programmes sociaux sont pour la plupart inexistants? Un tour d’horizon sur cette question permet de se rendre compte que les défis socio-économiques des pays occidentaux sont identiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés à une des solutions mises de l’avant pour faire face à ces défis.

Pour plusieurs gouvernements, une des actions entreprises a été l’ouverture des données civiques aux citoyens dans l’espoir que ces derniers puissent contribuer à la recherche de solutions face à ces enjeux. Le retour sur investissement (RSI) des données ouvertes -amélioration du déplacement (transport en commun par exemple); Babel - Collectif Étudiant. Nicolas Barreau et Jules CharbonnetEcole de design Nantes Atlantique Type de projet : Land Art Localisation : Carrière Meuse Miséry, Nantes, France Date / Evénement : 10ème balade des Ateliers Chantenay, 24-26 sept 2010 Dimensions : 150m Equipe : Barreau&Charbonnet, Patrick Chesneau Cicatrice, Ou comment par un protocole médical on peut mettre en évidence l’impact d’un coup de canif sur un poumon urbain ?

BLDGBLOG. Note: This is a guest post by Nicola Twilley. Every tree is a living archive, its rings a record of rainfall, temperature, atmosphere, fire, volcanic eruption, and even solar activity. These arboreal archives together reach back in time over centuries, sometimes millennia. We can even map human history through them—and onto them—tracing famines, plagues, and the passing of our own lives. [Image: A scene from Alfred Hitchcock's film Vertigo, with Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak in Muir Woods, outside San Francisco, where Novak points to the concentric rings of the redwood trunk and says, "Here I was born... and here I died"].

The museum opens today, June 21, with a parade and street fair: for those of us not in New York, a podcast and brochure will be available for download, and you also can view each of the tree locations on Google Maps. [Image: Trees in the museum each have their own sidewalk marker, which gives their name and extension number]. VOILE - Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab | VOILE - Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab | Développement durable, de l'Innovation, Recherche. Zero Carbon City. Epistémologie de la géographie.

Territoires en mutation