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Stylus. Twitter Bootstrap 101: Introduction. Twitter's Bootstrap is an excellent set of carefully crafted user interface elements, layouts, and javascript tools, freely available to use in your next web design project.

Twitter Bootstrap 101: Introduction

This video series aims to introduce you to Bootstrap; taking you all the way from downloading the resources, to building a complete Bootstrap-based website. When Mark Otto (@mdo) and Jacob Thornton (@fat) released Twitter Bootstrap to the world in August 2011, their announcement explained what its value would be: empowering front-end developers to kickstart projects more efficiently and effectively. The Bootstrap stylesheet provides an easy-to-implement 960 grid for efficient layout, as well as expertly crafted styles for typography, navigation, tables, forms, buttons, and more.

To take care of everyday JavaScript touches, Bootstrap provides a well built set of jQuery plugins for drop-down menus, tabs, modal boxes, tooltips, alert messages, and more. And yet none of it gets in the way of further customization. Bootstrap 01: Intro & Grid. Y el combate se decidió por KO (i) - Burbujas en. Hace algunas semanas salió un post de Shaun Walker titulado “Microsoft Declares the future of ASP.NET is Web API”.

Y el combate se decidió por KO (i) - Burbujas en

La verdad es que el post es interesante. Yo no sé cuales serán las intenciones de Microsoft (creo que ni ellos las saben realmente) pero lo que si es cierto es que las aplicaciones web están realmente cambiando a un modelo donde cada vez se procesa más en cliente y menos en servidor. Es un modelo que deja totalmente obsoleto no solo a Webforms si no incluso a ASP.NET MVC. En este modelo las páginas o vistas de una aplicación web, ya no son servidas desde el servidor. En todo caso, se sirve un “bootstrapper” inicial, que contiene el código javascript que realiza la petición inicial y luego todo es modificar el DOM en cliente a partir de datos recibidos por servicios REST, usando javascript. Como siempre no soy el primero en hablar de Knockout en geeks. También está Marc Rubiño que tiene una presentación en slideshare: TodoMVC. Developing Backbone.js Applications - By Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) Available free for open-source reading below or for purchase via the O'Reilly store.

Developing Backbone.js Applications -

Pull requests and comments always welcome. Prelude Not so long ago, “data-rich web application” was an oxymoron. Today, these applications are everywhere and you need to know how to build them. Traditionally, web applications left the heavy-lifting of data to servers that pushed HTML to the browser in complete page loads. Think of the Ajax shopping cart which doesn’t require a refresh on the page when adding an item to your basket.

The rise of arbitrary code on the client-side which can talk to the server however it sees fit has meant an increase in client-side complexity. Thankfully, there are a growing number of JavaScript libraries that can help improve the structure and maintainability of your code, making it easier to build ambitious interfaces without a great deal of effort. Target Audience Acknowledgements Credits Target Version Reading. A PHP5 MVC+ORM Framework and Application Generator. Introduction to Backbone.js Part 5: AJAX – Video Tutorial. Upgrading to RequireJS 2.0 · jrburke/requirejs Wiki. Why There has been a good deal real world usage of requirejs, and there were some features around configuration that have come up that would be nice to add.

Upgrading to RequireJS 2.0 · jrburke/requirejs Wiki

At the same time, there were some configuration options and internal features that have not held their weight, and it would be good to remove them. Support for the AMD APIs has not changed. If anything, I am hoping that the AMD loader implementers are starting to agree on higher level APIs, like common config. The changes were more around the configuration and internal operation of requirejs. Part 1: Backbone.js + Require.js. This article provides a brief introduction to JavaScript AMD and MVC technologies.

Part 1: Backbone.js + Require.js

It then details a working example of modularizing the Backbone.js 101 tutorial, “Todos” by Jérôme Gravel-Niquet, using Require.js. The article assumes basic familiarity with the aforementioned libraries, concepts, and example. This will be part one of a four part series. If you already know the basics or would like to dispense with the pleasantries then skip ahead to Let’s Get Started. Introduction If you have ever created a large JavaScript application then you know that over time, despite the best of intentions, that it can become quite unmanageable. Handlebars.js: Minimal Templating on Steroids. Refactoring to Backbone.js - a screencast from densitypop - refactor your messy Javascript to the Backbone.js framework. Develop With Passion® - Webinars. Well, for the last 2 months I have been using Mutt as my primary email client, and I have not missed gmail at all!!

Develop With Passion® - Webinars

I spend the majority of my day inside a shell based environment, and a large majority of my workflow/tooling has been heavily modded to allow me to do the majority of my computer related activities from a shell. I edit all my code in vimI manage keychain entries using the command line clientsI have a easy to customize automation/expansion library that allows me to add new shell automation tasks easilyFor the rare times that I use twitter, I use a vim plugin for that! I compose blog entries in vim You get the point! I have occassionally messed around with using links as a browser client.

Focused, specific tools that do one job and do it well This post is mostly for my own journalling purposes, but I am sharing it in the event that it proves useful to others. This post will outline the way that I setup the following tools: Getting Started Installing and configuring offlineimap. Backbone.js Screencast - Introduction and Views - joey beninghove. Resources For, And How I Learned Backbone.js. I received an email from Mark Muskardin, today, asking me some questions centered around how I ramped up and learned backbone, and looking for some good resources, too.

Resources For, And How I Learned Backbone.js

I’ve had similar questions a number of times in recent weeks, so with Mark’s permission, I’m posting his questions and my answers here. Update: I’ve put together a more complete list of resources on my site, and will keep that page up to date. Be sure to check that list for more links and additional resources. 1) How did you ramp up on Backbone? Backbone.js Tutorial Part II. Preview Download Free Preview.

Backbone.js Tutorial Part II

Backbone.js Tutorial Part I. Preview Download Free Preview.

Backbone.js Tutorial Part I

CoffeeScript. Backbone.js + CoffeeScript Book. Building a single page app with Backbone.js, underscore.js and jQuery. Overview We've been finding ourselves building more and more JS heavy apps here at &yet.

Building a single page app with Backbone.js, underscore.js and jQuery

Until recently, we've pretty much invented a custom app architecture for each one. Not surprisingly, we're finding ourselves solving similar problems repeatedly.