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Cultivating New Cascadian Culture

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Cascadia. Walkto Farms - LocalHarvest. Home Made, DIY Dog Food Recipes - Grain Free or Wholesome Grains, for the Health of Your Dog. Many commercially made dry dog food (kibble) is full of toxins, carcinogens, allergens and ingredients that provide your dog with poor source nutrition. Switching your dog from commercially made, highly processed dog kibble to homemade dog food can be of great benefit to your dog’s overall health. Below are a few very nutritious, simple to make dog food recipes I created for the health and well-being of my dogs . The ingredients used are selected to support your dog's overall health, boost his/her immune system, prevent cancer, support oral health , heart health and more. When purchasing the ingredients used in the recipes below, you can decide whether you want to go organic or not...even if you do not go organic you can be sure that the food you make - based on the recipes below, will be packed with good nutrition.

You can couple this recipe with a healthy, all-natural snack food for your dog. Grain Free Version… Dog Food Treats: DIY Dog Food Recipes, Homemade Dog Treats & Dog Feeding Tips - The Fun Times Guide to Dogs. Six Operational Advantages of Worker Cooperatives. I am concerned that the economic advantages of organizing businesses as worker cooperatives are often forgotten, while idealistic goals often become the sole focus and motivation. Given the advantages available, worker cooperatives can be as competitive, if not more so, than any other type of business. What follows is an outline of these economic advantages. 1. Worker cooperatives can create jobs. At a time such as now, when jobs are hard to find, or exist only as a “take it or leave it” situation for the employee, a preferable alternative may be for people to create their jobs rather than trying to find them.

Worker Owned Co-Operatives

The Collapse of Complex Societies (New Studies in Archaeology): Joseph A. Tainter: 9780521386739: Resilient Communities Project. My Cascadia Autonomy Project. This project seeks to establish a new cultural and socio-political confederation among autonomous Cascadians of the Pacific Northwest Bio-region.

My Cascadia Autonomy Project

We believe it is our responsibility to our local communities, to ourselves, and to the greater community at large. Open Culture. Open Culture. Keshe Foundation - Home. LongValleyAtlas.pdf (application/pdf Object) Biomes and Watersheds Introduction. We All Belong to the Biosphere Biosphere as Places to Live Terrestrial Biomes and Watersheds Introduction.

Biomes and Watersheds Introduction

Explorations of Cascadian Cartography. Seedstock Community Currency. Bioregional Animism. What is Bioregional Animism? Bioregional animism is by definition relating to the land/bioregion as the source of ones religion and culture.

What is Bioregional Animism?

It is a form of Personalism where other then human persons including the whole bioregion itself is related to and communicated with as a person, not as if it was a person but as a person. 10 Movements to Secede from the United States. Would a Romney win prompt Cascadian secession? "If you want to leave a nation you think is corrupt, inefficient, militaristic, oppressive, repressive, but you don’t want to move to Canada or France, what do you do?

Would a Romney win prompt Cascadian secession?

Well, the way is through secession, where you could stay home and be where you want to be. " — Kirkpatrick Sale, secessionist scholar and activist, New York Times, 2007. Occupied Cascadia Film Tour. The film: Occupied Cascadia is a documentary film both journalistic and expressionistic.

Occupied Cascadia Film Tour

Exploring the emerging understanding of bioregionalism within the lands and waters of the Northeast Pacific Rim, the filmmakers interweave intimate landscape portraits with human voices both ideological and indigenous. Stories from the land contrast critique of dominant culture, while an embrace of the radical unknown informs a re-birthed and growing culture of resistance. Heart Mind Sync. Subliminal Phoenix. Gene Keys. We are pleased to announce the launch of and Gene Keys Golden Path Visit to: Order your Gene Keys Book Get your FREE Hologenetic Profile.

Gene Keys

Weaving the Web of Conscious Culture. Cascadia (independence movement) Pacific Northwest. This article is about the region that includes parts of Canada and the United States.

Pacific Northwest

For the U.S. -only region, see Northwestern United States. This visualization shows a sequence of Landsat-based data in the Pacific Northwest. Ecotopia. Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston is a seminal utopian novel by Ernest Callenbach, published in 1975.


Bioregionalism. Bioregionalism is a political, cultural, and ecological system or set of views based on naturally defined areas called bioregions, similar to ecoregions. Bioregions are defined through physical and environmental features, including watershed boundaries and soil and terrain characteristics. Bioregional Approach. What is a Bioregion? A geographical area described in terms of its unique combination of plants, animals, geology, climate and water features – an area defined by natural boundaries and distinct living communities – the whole of which distinguishes it from other bioregions. A bioregion refers both to geographical terrain and a terrain of consciousness – to a place and the ideas that have developed about how too live in that place. The Nine Nations of North America. The Nine Nations of North America is a book written in 1981 by Joel Garreau.

The Nine Nations of North America

In it, Garreau suggests that North America can be divided into nine nations, which have distinctive economic and cultural features. He also argues that conventional national and state borders are largely artificial and irrelevant, and that his "nations" provide a more accurate way of understanding the true nature of North American society. Paul Meartz of Mayville State University called it "a classic text on the current regionalization of North America".[1] The Nations reflected here are included in a Michael F. Joel Garreau:Edge Cities and the Nine Nations of North America. In his first book, The Nine Nations of North America (1981), Garreau argued that the existing political boundaries of North America are becoming increasingly irrelevant as regions begin to coalesce into smaller "nations," each with its own economic, political, and cultural characteristics.

Joel Garreau:Edge Cities and the Nine Nations of North America

Garreau identifies nine new North American nations: 28c3: How governments have tried to block Tor. Cascadian History. The land west of the Rockies became part of US American national mythology as a territoy the US was entitled to control and even annex. The American newspaper, journalist John Louis O'Sullivan, was fundmental in pushing American expansionism. His idea a divine providence of American expansionism or imperialism (later called "Manifest Destiny") was originally written about in 1839 in his "The Great Nation of Futurity" published in the magazine The United States Democratic Review, but would become American political rhetoric in the coming years under an expansionist president.

Later O'Sullivan in the "Annexation" (United States Magazine and Democratic Review, 1845) projects a national vision of an expansionist United States: O'Sullivan's vision of Anglo-Saxon American expansionism envisioned a demographic take over of Mexican California. The Republic of Cascadia. Thomas Jefferson, letter to Jacob Astor. The Writings ofThomas Jeffersoneditor H.A. WashingtonNew York : H.W. Derby1861 To John Jacob Astor, Esq. Why the Name Cascadia? Cascadia, Geography of Bioregion, Name, Flag, Images & Maps, Philosophy, etc. Dreams of a Unified Northwest Are Halted at the Border. The Republic of Cascadia - Top 10 Aspiring Nations. Cascadia Rising. Cascadia Related Links. No Flags Cascadia. Cascadians - About Cascadia: The Cascadian Independence Project. Cascadia is a term that means many things to different people. Cascadia Project UW.

CascadiaNow! The Cascadian Independence Project. The Seattle Cascadia Project.