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BLended learning

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Toddlers and Tablets. The first iPad was released in April 2010. Three years later, a Pew Internet survey found that half of American parents with children at home own a tablet computer. Mosey on over to the iTunes app store, and 9 of the top 10 paid education apps are designed for small children, ages four and up. To summarize: families with means are loading up on tablets, and they are buying education apps targeted at preschoolers. I believe four-year-olds will shape the future of education technology (edtech), long before they ever set foot in a kindergarten classroom. Made for Little Fingers Touchscreens are the most intuitive interfaces ever created for small children. Leading app developer Duck Duck Moose believed it was designing for four- and five-year-olds when it noticed two-year-olds using its math apps. Children do incredible things when they are free to explore and learn. But parents are still not fully sold on kids and tablets.

Learn at Home But not impossible. Apps of the Future Kids and Tablets. Toddlers and Tablets. Basic Ingredients for Blended Learning Success. As blended learning implementation managers, we feel the same anxiety as a sprinter on the starting block. We know that once upright with our legs under us, we will have the opportunity to realize an accelerated learning experience, greater efficiency, and teacher and student empowerment. At the same time, we are acutely aware that the stumble of a defunct login credential--or worse, Internet outage--can sap enough teacher buy-in from our blended programs to kill their momentum. As with any new system, a strong start is critical to every blended program’s success.

Here are some of the common stumbling blocks and how to avoid them. Provisioning: Even if your rosters aren’t finalized, create your teachers’ and students’ online content accounts at least a week before school starts. Keep in mind that different programs have different timelines and processes for provisioning. Users & Passwords: All student logins should be standardized so that students only have one login credential. Ed Tech Map. Opportunity Culture - Extending the Reach of Excellent Teachers — What the class size research REALLY says. WBT: Powered by Funtricity!

Week 2

lLearning blended Week 1.