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PHP 7 : la nouvelle version de PHP au crible. The Evolution Of PHP. PHP is considered amongst the most used and most popular scripting language used on the web.

The Evolution Of PHP

PHP stands for ‘Hypertext Preprocessor’ , and it is used in the development of web pages that require scripting functions not found within the basic HTML functions. Devised in 1994 by programmer Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP goes beyond and supplements HTML in several ways. The script can perform complex calculations such as providing date ranges through to figuring out mathematical equations; it is adept at collecting user information such as address data; and crucially PHP interacts with databases, allowing for the creation of web pages that utilise database contents to create page content. The changing face of PHP PHP was publically released in 1995 with encouragement given to developers to help enhance and evolve the code. Nouvelle version 7 de PHP, nouveautés et améliorations. ⇒ PHP 7 vs PHP 5.x : quelles sont les différences ? Le développement de PHP suit son court et il a été décidé en 2014 qu’il sauterait une version pour passer de la version 5.x à la version 7.

⇒ PHP 7 vs PHP 5.x : quelles sont les différences ?

Le processus de développement est relativement long. Si vous n’en avez pas encore entendu parlé, il est temps de rattraper votre retard. Sortie de PHP 7 La finalisation et l’implémentation des dernières fonctionnalités vont se faire entre Mars et Juin 2015. Une première version RC (Release Candidate) sera publiée courant Juin / Juillet 2015.

Amélioration des performances PHP 7 sera basé sur PHPNG (PHP Next-Gen) qui a été initialement développé par Zend pour améliorer son framework. Le gain de performance est énorme. Voici un exemple en nombre de requêtes par seconde pour la nouvelle version sera capable d’avaler face à son prédécesseur : Les performances sont en constante évolution. How Badoo saved one million dollars switching to PHP7. Introduction We did it!

How Badoo saved one million dollars switching to PHP7

Hundreds of our application servers are now running on PHP7 and doing just fine. By all accounts, ours is only the second project of this scale (after Etsy) to switch to PHP7. During the process of switching over we found a couple bugs in the PHP7 bytecode cache system, but thankfully it’s all fixed now. Now we’re excited to share our good news with the whole PHP community: PHP7 is completely ready for production, stable, significantly reduces memory consumption, and improves performance dramatically. In this article, we’ll discuss the process of switching over to PHP7 in detail, explaining what difficulties we encountered, how we dealt with them, and what the final results were.

The idea that databases are a bottleneck in web-projects is an all-too-common misconception. How to code your first php Web Page - TemplateToaster Blog. PHP is one of the most popular programming languages for web development.

How to code your first php Web Page - TemplateToaster Blog

It is offered nearly ubiquitously on shared hosting platforms. Many of the world’s leading content management systems, such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Prestashop and lots of other most visited sites like Facebook, Wikipedia, Baidu, Yahoo! , Tumblr, Flickr, MailChimp, Fotolia, Digg, iStockPhoto and many more are written in PHP. Fortunately for developers, learning PHP is not exceptionally challenging. Like learning any skill it requires practice and patience.

Hire Expert PHP Developer India. PHP is short form of Hypertext Preprocessor.

Hire Expert PHP Developer India

It is one of the most popular free scripting ‘languages’ for developing powerful sites. PHP is server-side scripting terminology that offers large amount of performance for web growth. It offer performance of central data that make easy to developing powerful sites and helping to reduce the running duration of web pages. PHP can be included into HTML and running on the web server which can set up almost every web web servers and operating-system.

The Future of PHP. Do you know which are the popular social networking platforms?

The Future of PHP

Of course, your answer would have names like Facebook, Twitter and so on. The (server-side) programming language which makes these two sites so user-friendly and easy to navigate is PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). It has been around for quite a while now as far as web development is concerned. With the upgraded versions as well as improved structure, it is here to stay for a long time. In terms of popularity, PHP has enjoyed its day in the sun as a pretty sound web development framework. With PHP not choosing to rest on its past structure and instead trying to evolve constantly, the future does look bright for it, especially with its much improved current structure. Backing of Industry Leaders The fact that Mark Zuckerberg (of Facebook fame) made use of PHP for his game-changing social networking site and Twitter following suit, speaks volumes about the confidence, people have in PHP, even when they are starting out.

PHP souffle sa 20e bougie, que pensez-vous de l'évolution du langage de programmation Web ? Tout comme Java, 2015 marque le 20e anniversaire du langage de programmation PHP, qui représente désormais une référence pour le développement des sites Web.

PHP souffle sa 20e bougie, que pensez-vous de l'évolution du langage de programmation Web ?

Le 8 juin 1995, le développeur Rasmus Lerdorf publie un message annonçant la disponibilité d’un « ensemble de petits fichiers binaires CGI écrits en C ». Il nomme cette suite d’outil « Personal Home Page Tools » (outils pour page personnelle).