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Dedicated Servers, vSERVERs – SERVER4YOU. Beta Testing iOS Apps Made Easy - Our Blog - Nanaimo Studio. Let's take a quick look at what TestFlight is all about and what they offer. For a complete overview of the latest and greatest of the service, you should of course sign up and visit the site directly. If you are already using TestFlight for your beta testing, you can also skip this and go straight to the next section. 1) Sign in after registration 2) Check the email on any of your test devices and login: 3) Tap Register Device to send your UDID over to TestFlight. 4) TestFlight sends back the provisioning profile over the air. 5) Your device is now registered with your TestFlight's database. 6) Now that you have registered some devices for testing, let's submit a build to TestFlight. 7) We created the adhoc build in Xcode, saved the ipa file in Organizer, went to the folder where the ipa file is stored and dropped it here. 8) When your ipa file is done uploading, this is what you will see, and it's where most of the power of TestFlight lies.

Explanations: AppStudioz.


Rayco Jorge Cabrera » 2011, el año del estancamiento tecnológico. Hagamos un pequeño ejercicio de imaginación y pensemos que estamos en nuestra tienda de electrónica favorita, o bien pensemos en los catálogos publicitarios que nos llegan a casa anunciando lo último en tecnología, pero situémonos en 2010, o a principios de 2011 tal día como hoy.

Rayco Jorge Cabrera » 2011, el año del estancamiento tecnológico

Si comparásemos los productos de entonces con los que podemos encontrarnos hoy en catálogos y tiendas, ¿serías capaz de encontrar diferencias?. Quizás algunas cámaras digitales con 2 megapixels más, algunos tablets o teléfonos que anuncian más memoria y velocidad, algunas televisiones LED a precios más asequibles… pero ningún producto realmente nuevo, tanto a nivel de dispositivos electrónicos (gadgets), como de componentes (microprocesadores, memoria, pequeños circuitos…), pasando por diferentes subsistemas intermedios (tecnologías de visualización, interacción, de control, de análisis, etc.).

¿Cuales son las claves del estancamiento? ¿Ha disminuido la venta y el consumo de productos tecnológicos?. 6 Startups to Watch in 2012. An Olympic games, a U.S. presidential election and the end of the world are already planned for 2012, but we're more excited about the startups.

6 Startups to Watch in 2012

Here are six of them (in no particular order) that we expect to help define the coming year. We chose companies based on the momentum they gained in 2011, promising new takes on old problems and, in one case, the possibility of an IPO. Did we look at every startup in the world before compiling this list? Nope. Did we overlook some of the startups speeding toward 2012 definition-dom? 1. Skillshare is an online marketplace for offline classes. While the startup began with classes clustered in New York City, it now has budding communities in San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and elsewhere. 2.

We're pretty sure that the mobile, local version of Craigslist will gain traction in 2012. 3. LevelUp users link any credit or debit card to their LevelUp accounts the same way that Starbucks links a gift card to its app. 4. 5. It's on a growth streak. 6. OpenShift by Red Hat.