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Aerospace. NEWS - UrtheCast - The Earth Video Camera. Benoit B. Mandelbrot - Fractal Wisdom. The story of Chaos begins in number, specifically in the mathematics and geometry of the fourth dimension.

Benoit B. Mandelbrot - Fractal Wisdom

This is the home of Complex numbers and Fractal Geometry. Unlike the other dimensions - the first, second and third dimensions composed of the line, plane and solid - the fourth is the real world in which we live. It is the space time continuum of Man and Nature where there is constant change based on feedback. It is an open system where everything is related to everything else.


Psychology. Oceanography. Chemistry. Zoology. Biology. Quantum Physics. Physics. Archive - Richard Feynman: Fun to Imagine - Using physics to explain how the world works. Astronomy. Atmospheric. Palentology. Anthropology. Archiology. Geology.