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Medicines. Herbal Remedies ACNE Herbs Used: Evening Primrose Oil, Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Dandelion, Lemon Grass Recipe for Acne Help Bring to a simmer in a non-metallic pan 2 quarts water, 3 tablespoons Witch hazel bark, 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon ground cloves; let simmer for 5 minutes.


Then add 1/2 cup chopped fresh thyme, 1 cup fresh chopped peppermint leaves, and 1/2 cup fresh chopped marjoram. Simmer 5 more minutes, set aside until cold. Mix 1/2 cup of the simmered mixture with 2 teaspoons cider vinegar, 2 ounces grain alcohol (vodka is best), 4 drops lemon oil, and enough water to make one pint. Apply with cotton to acne prone areas after washing. ACNE For acne that hasn't seemed to respond to anything: Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. ANEMIA Herbs Used: Red Beet, Yellow Dock, Lobelia, Burdock, Nettle, Mullein Other uses: Energy, Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease BOILSPut breadcrumbs in a calico bag or between two pieces of gauze.

Acupressure Points. How to Find Pressure Points on the Hand and Body. What to do in a Medical Emergency. Unusual Ways to Heal Sunburn. Shin splints treatment - exercise to strengthen the lower legs, prevent, repair and care for shin splints problems. When you decided to get really serious about your training earlier this year, everything went smoothly for several weeks, but one day you felt a dull ache on the inside, lower portion of your shin as you began your workout.

Shin splints treatment - exercise to strengthen the lower legs, prevent, repair and care for shin splints problems.

The discomfort went away once you had warmed up, so you weren't overly concerned. Unfortunately, the pain returned on the following day - and lasted for a longer portion of your workout. As the days went by, pain was present for the whole training session, as well as your cool-down - and even hung around during your regular daily activities.

When you used your fingers to probe the area near the back, inside edge of the lower part of your tibia (the main bone in the lower part of the leg), you felt tenderness but no major swelling, and the pain seemed to centre in the tissues (muscles and tendons) near the tibia, not the tibia itself. ================================================= More information on Shin Splints:All of our articles on shin splints What was wrong? First aid - Seizures. Medicinal Value of Whole Foods. Fourni par Traduction For the first 5000 years of civilization, humans relied on foods and herbs for medicine.

Medicinal Value of Whole Foods

Only in the past 50 years have we forgotten our medicinal "roots" in favor of patent medicines. While pharmaceuticals have their value, we should not forget the well-documented, non-toxic and inexpensive healing properties of whole foods. The following list is but a sampling of the health benefits from whole foods. Apple. Asparagus. Avocado. Banana and Plantain. Barley. Beans. Beets. Bell Pepper. Blueberry. Broccoli. Brussels Sprouts. Cabbage (including bok choy). Health. 25 Essential Open Courseware Classes on Medicine (That Anyone Can Learn From) – Online FNP Blog. University of South Carolina School of Medicine. A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine. UCSF Medical Education. List of World Health Organization Essential Medicines. Health Topics. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine. Led Scientists Find Antibodies that Prevent Most HIV Strains from Infecting Human Cells. Scientists have discovered two potent human antibodies that can stop more than 90 percent of known global HIV strains from infecting human cells in the laboratory, and have demonstrated how one of these disease-fighting proteins accomplishes this feat.

Led Scientists Find Antibodies that Prevent Most HIV Strains from Infecting Human Cells

According to the scientists, these antibodies could be used to design improved HIV vaccines, or could be further developed to prevent or treat HIV infection. Moreover, the method used to find these antibodies could be applied to isolate therapeutic antibodies for other infectious diseases as well. “The discovery of these exceptionally broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV and the structural analysis that explains how they work are exciting advances that will accelerate our efforts to find a preventive HIV vaccine for global use,” says Anthony S.

Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health.