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15 Awesome Chemistry GIFs. You don’t need to watch Breaking Bad to know that chemistry is pretty awesome.

15 Awesome Chemistry GIFs

Below, we explore our favorite 15 chemistry GIFs and the science behind them (when we could figure it out): Melting Metal With Magnets The Science: The copper wire has a significant amount of AC electricity running through it, causing it to act like a really strong electromagnet. In the metal slug, eddy currents form due to the magnetic field the copper wire is causing while the copper wire has high frequency AC flowing through it. 7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics. The universe is full of weird substances like liquid metal and whatever preservative keeps Larry King alive.

7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics

But mankind isn't happy to accept the weirdness of nature when we can create our own abominations of science that, due to the miracle of technology, spit in nature's face and call it retarded. That's why we came up with... Ferro Fluid Tests - Magnetic Liquid.