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La recommandation de produits sur les médias sociaux : crédible ou pas? | imarklab. Le bouche-à-oreille est un véhicule puissant en marketing et a fait l’objet de plusieurs de nos billets dans les dernières semaines (le billet sur les « brand advocates, celui sur les fournisseurs d’information ou encore celui sur les blogueurs comme communicateurs marketing). On sait maintenant que le bouche-à-oreille entre consommateurs peut être plus efficace pour promouvoir des produits ou services que les pubs traditionnelles (Goldsmith et Horowitz, 2006). C’est d’autant plus vrai aujourd’hui avec l’omniprésence des médias sociaux. Pour les sceptiques, ouvrez Facebook (ou Twitter) et parcourez votre fil de nouvelles. Y retrouvez-vous des recommandations de produits ou services, positives ou négatives?

Il a fort à parier que oui. Que pensez-vous de ces recommandations? Vous apparaissent-elles crédibles? Tellier, Alexandre (2010). La crédibilité d’une source de recommandation Plus tu es mon ami, plus j’ai confiance Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire pour les marketeurs? Get people talking about your brand. The age-old saying that Word of Mouth (WoM) is the best form of advertising still rings true to this day as we now know, more than ever before, that personal recommendations from our friends have the highest impact on our purchasing decisions. The internet, and more specifically, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, have brought everyone's attention to just how powerful the viral spread of a WOM-generated message can be across the digital landscape. But how effective is online WoM in actual fact? Keller Fay recently conducted research and surprisingly found that only 5% of brand-related conversations take place online through social media, while 93% took place offline (which includes 11% of phone conversations).

So you could say that people are the 'Killer App' of 2012. So why the huge focus on social media? Offline vs. online It is also important to understand the difference between how and why people talk offline versus online. However, neither can be ignored. Le bouche-à-oreille, grande source d'influence pour le consommateur belge. 5 surprising things about word of mouth marketing. Word of mouth Archives. WOM | Brand & Content Guru Blog. Consumer Trust in Online, Social and Mobile Advertising Grows.

The explosion of social networks and consumer-generated media over the last few years continues to have a significant impact on advertising as consumers’ reliance on word-of-mouth in the decision-making process – either from people they know or online consumers they don’t – has increased significantly. According to Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising report, which surveyed more than 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries, 92 percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising—an increase of 18 percent since 2007. Online consumer reviews are the second most trusted source of brand information and messaging, with 70 percent of global consumers surveyed online indicating they trust messages on this platform, an increase of 15 percent in four years.

Word of Mouth Still Most Trusted Resource Says Nielsen; Implications for Social Commerce. Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising report repeats findings from previous years – people don’t trust advertising, at least not as much as they trust recommendations from friends and consumer opinions expressed online. According to the report, which surveyed more than 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries, 92 percent of consumers say they trust recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising – an increase of 18 percent since 2007.

Online consumer reviews rank as the second most trusted source, with 70 percent of global consumers surveyed online indicating they trust messages on this platform, an increase of 15 percent in four years. Ranking third, fourth and fifth are editorial content (58%), branded websites (58%), and opt-in emails (50%) respectively. Traditional forms of advertising using media such as television, print, and radio rank lower, and have seen a significant drop – as much as 24% – since 2009.

Thesis presentation: Influencing & measuring word of mouth on Twitter. Word of Mouth Marketing: When a Human Phenomenon Goes Business. People have always talked about their experiences, emotions, needs and also products, services and brands. Word of mouth is an old and human phenomenon. With the arrival of interactive and social media the patterns, role and impact of word of mouth have changed.

These changes affected the ways businesses can leverage the power of word of mouth for marketing purposes and, vice versa, the impact of word of mouth on businesses. However, the rules of word of mouth marketing have changed and evolved and they continue to evolve. So, word of mouth is a natural phenomenon that occurs and is as old as human communication and trade. Period. But when do we talk about word of mouth marketing (WOM)?

In the broadest sense, word of mouth marketing encompasses among others: In practice, most marketers talk about viral marketing, influencer marketing and referrals when thinking word of mouth marketing. And listening to stories is just as important as having them shared. Measuring Offline Vs. Online Word-of-Mouth Marketing. The now commonly held notion that social media-related marketing is a requirement for business success may not carry as much water as once thought. Despite all the technological advances in recent years, especially in the realm of social media, a recent study suggests that the vast majority of public discussion about products, brands and services occur in everyday word-of-mouth encounters with others, not online.

A yearlong study from the New Brunswick, N.J. -based research firm the Keller Fay Group, which included more than 32,000 participants, found that 91 percent of respondents' information about brands came as a result of face-to-face conversations or over the phone. Just seven percent of word-of-mouth conversations about brands occurs online.

Your customer or potential buyer needs a reason to engage, a reason to care and a reason to tell others about your brand. It comes down to having something sharable that you can get out there, Laird says. Drive real-world conversation. Word of Mouth Marketing: Five Tips to Generate it for Your Business. We all know that economic times are tough. I always suggest that businesses don't pull their marketing budget. Not all businesses listen, unfortunately. That's why I want to share with you a few tips that will help you generate word of mouth marketing for your business. Word-of-Mouth marketing is the most difficult to measure, but it's also the most cost effective, because it costs you nothing.

Your customers are the best vehicle for positive word-of-mouth marketing, but how can you get them to talk about you? Ask them to try your product. If you want consumers to talk about your product, ask them to try and then to tell others about it. Find ways to make your customers feel like company insiders. Involve them, ask their opinion and then listen. Provide a forum for influences to have a conversation on behalf of your brand. Give influencers a forum to share their opinion and feedback. Provide quality service and treat every customer with respect. Put your consumers in the know. Non-Traditional Traditional Marketing: Word of Mouth and Social Media Tips | Smart Company Growth. Why Traditional Marketing Fails Billions are spent each year on marketing campaigns that end up leaving the clients who finance it dissatisfied or, worse yet, broke. A ton of time and resources are spent on pointless brand awareness (this is not saying that all brand awareness is pointless) that doesn’t connect to buying habits of the public, humor for humor’s sake, and even targeting too large an audience and diluting the efforts.

We’ve all heard stories of startups who spent millions on Super Bowl TV spots that got a good laugh and initial buzz, but didn’t provide sustainable revenues to support the eventual Chapter 11 superstar. Good marketing today is non-traditional marketing, with steps to measure marketing agencies and partners, leverage and create word of mouth marketing opportunities, and tapping traditional tactics as well as the new social media marketing of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others.

Interview with Adair Witmer of The “W” Partners Similar Posts: Measuring the Stages of the Cyclic Social Media Marketing Funnel. What’s the payoff? The inescapable social media question that makes many squirm and continues to provoke much debate with little answer. There are really two issues here: 1) In order for something to be relevant in business, you must be able to demonstrate a positive, measurable outcome, and 2) the challenge with measuring most marketing endeavors is that they are done in isolation.

Let’s take the second issue first … looking for an ROI from social media seems to be artificial. Artificial because social media is about tying together all the synergies of your product/service and company. The technical definition of ROI is (Sales – Investment) / Investment. Can you really measure investment and sales in isolation with social media? So if I am stating that social media ROI can not be isolated in evaluation, how the heck are we ever going to know that we are getting bang for our investment buck? Measuring Awareness You typically gain awareness off your site.

What do you think? Like this: Fiche de lecture : BUZZ … Le marketing du bouche à oreille. Faites marcher le bouche-à-oreille autour de votre activité. Wom101/wom101.pdf. "Word of Mouth" study shows Google directly informs 146 million brand conversations a day. Viral marketing vs spreadable media. Over the last couple of years groups such as the MIT Convergence Culture Consortium have recommended replacing the use of the term ‘viral marketing’ with ‘spreadable media’.

The main argument is that the viral metaphor has been stretched to try and explain any situation in which marketing content becomes popular and widely spread by an audience. The proponents of this view suggest “spreadable media” should be an alternative model for understanding how content is shared, and marketing videos and the like should be thought of not as a means of infecting audiences but rather as material that audiences can spread for their own purposes. All in all these are fair points, and they deserve the attention they have been given.

The term ‘viral marketing’ really came to prominence with the widely successful launch of the email service Hotmail. “Viral marketing captures the essence of multi-level marketing and applies it to all customers – the ‘word-of-mouth’ spread of Hotmail is involuntary” Copywriter, l’une des activités les mieux payées du web ! Crédit photo : thehillproductions Aujourd’hui tout le monde veut et peut devenir Copywriter, avec ou sans diplôme ! A l’heure où le Marketing sur le Web francophone poursuit sa lente maturation, le constat sur son évolution au cours des années passées est univoque: l`un de ces piliers, le Copywriting, est très largement ignoré et négligé. Mais qu’est ce que le copywriting ? Le métier de copywriter est plus près des métiers de la vente et du marketingcopywriter chevronné. Aux Etats-Unis, les bons copywriters gagnent des salaires à six chiffres. Ce qui est intéressant est que ces bons copywriters ont souvent passé la barre de 6 chiffres après uniquement 2 ou 3 ans de pratique.

Dans les pays francophones le marché est peu developpé, et pourtant le potentiel est énorme ! Jusque là, je ne vous ai pas donné de définition claire de ce nouveau métier qui apparaît doucement dans la francophonie. Mais le Copywriting sur Internet c’est beaucoup plus que ça !