Blended Learning Toolkit OER. Introduction The BlendKit Course is a set of subject matter neutral, open educational resources related to blended learning developed by Dr.
Kelvin Thompson and available for self-study or for group use. Periodically, these materials will also be used as the basis for a facilitated open, online course. When available, information on such cohorts will be posted on this page. The goal of the BlendKit Course is to provide assistance in designing and developing your blended learning course via a consideration of key issues related to blended learning and practical step-by-step guidance in helping you produce actual materials for your blended course (i.e., from design documents through creating content pages to peer review feedback at your own institution).
A Basic Guide to Open Ed Resources. The OER Starter Kit – Simple Book Publishing. OER Evaluation Handbook. Below is a set of materials developed to help educators use and learn more about the Achieve Open Educational Resource (OER) Rubrics and OER Evaluation Tool.
This includes a handbook, videos and set of presentation slides that give instructions on how to apply the rubrics and use the online tool, as well as examples of what different ratings mean under each rubric. The information included in in the handbook, videos and slides is meant to mirror one another, with specific examples included in the handbook and slides. Multiple ways to read and share this information gives educators the opportunity to use the resource(s) that are most useful for them. Achieve Open Educational Resources Evaluation Tool Handbook. Supporting Open Education - National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. How To Evaluate Open Educational Resrouces? A Rubric. Browse Our Collections – BCcampus OpenEd Resources.
Digital Texts in the Time of Covid. Project Gutenberg. Online Textbooks. Free Online Course Materials. Big List of Resources - OER - Open Educational Resources - LibGuides at University of Pittsburgh. Open Textbook Library. OpenStax: Free and flexible textbooks and resources. Free public domain audiobooks. Athabasca University Press - Athabasca University Press. Pressbooks Directory.
Ubiquity Press. Bloomsbury Collections - Search. Discover Research at The Open University. The Global Network for Open Education. MERLOT. Connect OER. What is Connect OER?
Connect OER is a platform to share and discover information about OER activities at campuses across North America. Each participating institution maintains a profile page about local OER activities, which collectively populate a searchable directory that showcases trends, best practices, and collective impact being achieved through OER. Connect OER has three main components: OER Commons. Home - SkillsCommons Repository. OER Attribution Builder Onlnine. eCampusOntario H5P Studio. 1,700 Free Online Courses from Top Universities. Advertisment Take online courses from the world’s top universities for free.
Below, you will find 1,700 free online courses from universities like Yale, MIT, Harvard, Oxford and more.