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The weekly Boidinarian

The weekly bi-Romanarian/Cohenarian. The weekly bi-Boussionarian/Alaryanian. How to Build a Hackintosh. Build a Hackintosh with better performance than a Mac Pro — for half the price.

How to Build a Hackintosh

A comprehensive, free, step-by-step guide. Last updated March 2013 with the latest Intel Ivy Bridge processor and motherboard recommendations (which, it’s worth noting, are not available on the out-of-date Mac Pros) and OS X Mountain Lion-native installation instructions. We’ve also refreshed the nVidia GPUs. New in this latest build: Thunderbolt! However, note that to use the Thunderbolt ports on a Hackintosh, you will have to plug in your Thunderbolt device at boot-up; it is not hot-swappable.

Introduction What do you do when you need a high-end Mac — for editing video, retouching photos, recording music, animating 3D graphics, or just playing games — but you can’t afford a Mac Pro? Creativity shouldn’t be relegated to the upper class. Here’s a screencast (no sound) of my original hackintosh running flawlessly, loading notoriously slow applications like Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word in a jiffy.

From Russia with love

Learning to code. Not_available. Learning to code is not all kittens and daisies.


It's tough stuff but fortunately the Internet is loaded with a surfeit of resources to get you started. They vary from "Teach Yourself X in 7 Days" type books and dense technical reference behemoths to the occasional good blog post guides. If you're very lucky, the subject matter you are trying to learn is taught by dedicated folks producing screencasts like those found at Railscasts, PeepCode, TekPub, Nodecasts, Vimcasts and so on. But watching only gets you so far. Getting your hands dirty and testing your skills is when you really begin to chmod u+w your brain. Intro video to one particular Code School course Envy Labs perfected their learning by doing methods with a site called Rails for Zombies that taught introductory Ruby on Rails programming with a series of 10-minute screencasts followed by code challenges. The winning formula is screencasts + code challenges + gamification.

Click for a larger version Verdict Thoughts? HP ENVY 14-1010EF achat et prix ENVY 14-1010EF. Lancement de Startupcraftfr 2010 ! Au gré des conversations, nous nous sommes aperçus que nous étions quelques uns à partager la passion de l’entrepreneuriat et de Starcraft 2. On s’est du coup demandé combien de personnes étaient comme nous. Vous bossez la journée (et le soir !)

Dans une startup, et vous jouez la nuit ? Bienvenue !!! Vous êtes ici chez vous, et vous êtes loin d’être seul :) Notre but est d’organiser des matchs de SC2 entre startup tout en dressant un panorama des joueurs francais. En attendant, comment ça se passe ? - Inscrivez-vous ! - On organisera les 1ers match dans la foulée tout en dressant le tableau du tournoi et la liste des joueurs ! Nous posterons ici régulièrement des CR de match entre startups ainsi que des replays. A bientôt sur !