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Learning from Google

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Comment Google ne paie que 2,4% d'impôts hors Etats-Unis - Journal du Net > e-Business. Bloomberg révèle les techniques d'optimisation fiscale de la firme de Mountain View via une structure basée aux Bermudes. Un exemple parmi d'autres.Selon Bloomberg, Google aurait économisé pas moins de 3,1 milliards de dollars de taxes depuis 2007 via la constitution d'un circuit offshore. La firme de Mountain View dont l'activité hors US est basée en Irlande -elle y a enregistré 88% de son chiffre d'affaires hors US en 2009- est parvenu a abaisser son taux d'imposition à l'international à seulement 2,4%, alors que l'impôt sur les sociétés de la plupart des pays européens se situe au-delà de 20%.

Du fait de la centralisation de sa gestion hors US en Irlande, au sein de Google Irland Limited, le groupe bénéficie d'un taux d'imposition sur les sociétés de seulement 12,5%. Enfin, parce que la loi irlandaise n'autorise l'exonération fiscale que si les charges sont versées à un autre pays européen, il faut que le montant des redevances transite par une coquille située aux Pays-Bas. Les chiffres clefs de Google | la communauté des ac. How Chris Messina Got a Job at Google. Chris Messina grew up in New Hampshire, the Live Free or Die state. As a high-schooler in the early 90's he held his school's website hostage after being suspended for running an ad on it for a controversial gay rights group. Now Chris is nearing 30, today was his 29th birthday, and he just announced that he's taken a job at one of the biggest, most powerful corporations in the world.

The latest chapter in the fascinating story of Chris Messina's life ends with one of the most high-profile young proponents of an Open and Distributed Web joining Google, a company that aims to organize all the information in the world and a behemoth that many free spirits online eye with ambivalence. What will the future bring for Messina and his work? Where Chris Messina Comes From Chris Messina grew up in a well-to-do suburb in New Hampshire. When Chris entered high school, the web was in its earliest days. After high school Chris went to college at Carnegie Mellon, where he studied Design. Google's Growing Galaxy. The Real Reason Everyone Loves Google In Silicon Valley. Google’s Need For Speed Is About Making You Search More. Google’s obsession with speed is well-documented. One of the primary design principles behind its search engine is to return results as fast as possible and strip away anything extra.

But its need for speed goes well beyond search. All of Google’s apps are optimized for speed (well, except Gmail lately, but they promise to fix that). The Chrome browser is extremely fast, and the upcoming Chrome OS is also expected to make Web browsing and other computing tasks zippier. It almost doesn’t matter if Google’s Chrome browser and OS gain significant market share or not, as long as they push other browsers and operating systems to keep up in the speed race. Google can keep trying to make search faster because that is under its control.

No wonder Google tries to do everything it can to make the Web faster. It is all about trying to get people to achieve a “flow state” where they are just clicking from one link to the next and it all happens instantaneously. CHART OF THE DAY: Google Versus Wall Street's Estimates.