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Handmade Type on Behance. L'histoire de la typographie en animation. Branding : 8 idées de conception de restaurant et restauration. Rédigé par :: Grégory Catégorie :: dossier,Logotype,Packaging Travail souvent préféré des créatifs, les projets de branding ont l’avantage de pouvoir contenir l’ensemble des éléments clés pour la construction de l’identité graphique d’une marque : logotype, univers graphique, supports de communication, packaging, etc.

Branding : 8 idées de conception de restaurant et restauration

Pour éveiller votre créativité autour du branding, retrouvez notre premier dossier sur le sujet autour de 8 projets créatifs d’identité graphique de restaurants. Ce projet de restaurant italien a été réalisé par Peter Molnar. Dans la couleur typique de l’Italie, ce projet se décline tout en typographie. Santa Cruz est restaurant fast food Mexicain. Ce projet d’identité graphique a été réalisé par Inhouse pour le restaurant et Bar Caravan, situé dans le coeur de Londres. Créez une police à partir de votre écriture manuscrite. Créez une police à partir de votre écriture manuscrite.

Créez une police à partir de votre écriture manuscrite.

Si vous souhaitez créer votre propre police de caractère à partir de votre écriture, connectez-vous sur Ce service en ligne propose un modèle à remplir avec vos propres lettres manuscrites, que vous devez ensuite scanner et renvoyer au site, qui vous générera une police TTF, OTF ou SVG à télécharger. Je viens de tester et le résultat n'est pas à la hauteur de mes espérances. Mais je pense que cela est dû au fait que le trait de mon stylo n'était pas assez épais. Privilégiez plutôt un feutre pas trop épais non plus, et n'hésitez pas à remplir toute la case à votre disposition pour avoir les plus belles lettres possibles.

Génial pour se lancer dans la réalisation de nouvelles polices !! Source Vous avez aimé cet article ? 50+ of the best typographic designs of 2012. 30 inspiring examples of lettering in graphic design. Typotopia. Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues - A HAND LETTERING EXPERIENCE. Don't Poo Poo My Ideas. Designed with the LEO BURNETT Department of Design Team: Alisa Wolfson, Peter Ty, Casey Martin, Kelly Dorsey, Andy Luce Retail Ticket — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Outfield — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD with DOD team Letterhead — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD Bill Murray at bat — Designed at Leo Burnett DOD with DOD team.

Don't Poo Poo My Ideas

Branding, graphic design, typography and web design. I put the call out on Facebook and Twitter recently to see which typographers and calligraphers were inspiring people at the moment. The results were interesting, because very few of them were “typographers” in the true sense of the word, in that, they don’t “arrange typefaces for print”. What they do, is actually use typographic forms in an artistic, or “illustrative” way. In fact, I was interested to see there are very few recognisable typefaces amongst the works of these artists at all, most of them preferring to hand draw their own letterforms from scratch. I want to thank everybody for their suggestions.

I’m flattered to say I was among the suggestions, as well as a few people I love and admire, and quite a few I had never heard of, so sit back and enjoy. I’m sure lots of talented people have been missed out, so feel free to add your inspirations in the comments section down below—I’m sure there will be a part 2 to this list pretty soon. 1. 2. 3. 4. Anna Garforth rocks my world. 5. Inspiration, Technique, Great Design. TEN DOLLAR FONTS.

Jude Landry. Typographie inspiration. Voici un petit assortiment de typographies qui devrait vous plaire…

Typographie inspiration Unicode Character Recognition. Jessica Walsh. Retrofuturs. Typeverything. 40 Remarkable Examples Of Typography Design #5. It’s been a really long time since we did our series of typography inspiration.

40 Remarkable Examples Of Typography Design #5

Believe in or not, it was all the way back in January 2011. Today we are happy to bring it back, to feature some outstanding typography designs. We selected all of the following work based on quality, thus giving you the best of the best. All of the image are credited their original creators. We do not take credit for any of there work, however we do take credit for scavenger hunting the internet in order to find them. Want more?

Check out our previous, collections! © All Rights Reserved by Hannes Beer © All Rights Reserved by iGraph_pl © All Rights Reserved by Alex Beltechi © All Rights Reserved by Bricio Dias. WORDS are PICTURES. Alex Trochut. WhatTheFont! 60 Amazing Examples of Typography Posters - Webitect. Typographical designs can mean a huge deal to both designers and art appreciators.

60 Amazing Examples of Typography Posters - Webitect

It’s a great way for designers to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and believes. It also helps the appreciators find the inspiration to move forward. Below is a collection of absolutely magnificent typography posters ranging from graphical portraits made entirely from text, big and bold statements that send out positive messages out there, and abstract designs that give you the right amount of inspiration needed to get your work done! 6. Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles. Letman.