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How to Win Friends & Influence People. Iain McGilchrist: The divided brain. Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric. Relationships. 75 Startup Tools And Apps new business ideas and startups - So you have a new business or startup idea and based on your analysis and research you have conducted, your confident that there is a market for it.

75 Startup Tools And Apps new business ideas and startups -

Ok, now what? You need to possibly find a cofounder and team to start planning, seek funding and successfully execute the plan for a pilot or full launch. There are so many resources and tools out there that can assist you in managing and excuting your startup or new business idea more eficiently and effectively. 10 YouTube Videos Every Entrepreneur Should Watch.


5 Unusual Ways to Become a Better Speaker. You’ve been asked to speak at an important event.

5 Unusual Ways to Become a Better Speaker

It’s a great opportunity and you should be thrilled—but since you rarely speak, especially in a formal setting, all you can think about is bombing. Unfortunately, captivating an audience is definitely a skill that takes years to develop and hone.