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REST App with Laravel and EmberJS Archives. (2) Learning to Program: What are the best resources (sites, books or tutorials) for learning programming. Why I Chose Ember.js. Why I Chose Ember.js Clarification This article has been edited to reflect time spent with each framework and a few other relevant facts I have finally made the plunge to really dig into Ember.js. But, if you are familiar with the vast landscape of Javascript frameworks, you may wonder why I chose Ember.js. This isn't a light decision and Ember.js is thought to have quite a steep learning curve. However, I think that there are some reasons behind this that I will cover in a later post. So to start, let's look at the various frameworks and my own relations to them in my track to eventually set upon Ember.js. Backbone.js - 8 Months Experience When looking at front-end frameworks, many first happen upon Backbone.

Backbone is an incredible bit of kit for managing some light data binding but soon becomes hard to manage. Marionette.js - ~4 Months Experience Of you work on Backbone projects you quickly become tired of the boilerplate that is associated with Backbone apps. Batman.js Conclusion. Articles | Ember Sherpa. Ember: Baby Steps. A Bit Steep I figured it's about time to get constructive in terms of getting to know EmberJS. The only reason I haven't up until this point is that I've been very busy with Tekpub's Angular production. So, today's the day. Let's get started. Baby Steps Getting Ember setup is frustrating. Kick open a console (if you're on Linux/Mac) or crack open VS/WebMatrix if you're on a Windows machine. Mkdir hello-ember cd hello-ember Now we're in our directory. Mkdir js touch index.html The next step is to get the scripts we'll need. jQueryHandlebarsEmber Ember won't work unless you have all three of these.

Be sure to use the unminified version for development. Save these files in your js directory. Let's add one more file where our application code will go: Open up the index.html page and stub out our skeleton, with the script references in place: <! Let's run this: python -m SimpleHTTPServer Things should be cycling on port 8000. Now let's write some Ember code. Step 1: The Application View a Viewa Controller. Introduction à Ember.js. Cette année 2012 à été riche pour l’écosystème javascript et particulièrement pour les frameworks MVC côté client. Je me propose dans cet article de vous présenter un challenger méconnu à côté de Backbone.js ou de Angular.js. Ember.js Ember.js est un framework MVC en javascript dont le but est de créer des applications web se rapprochant des applications desktop, dites “single page web application”. Pour voir quelques exemples d’applications en production réalisées avec Ember.js, rendez vous sur Groupon, Capitaine Train ou encore Travis CI.

L’idée derrière les “Single Page Web App” est grossièrement de télécharger l’intégralité de l’application à la première requête de l’utilisateur, puis de communiquer uniquement avec le serveur par requête Ajax pour manipuler les données via une API REST si possible. Ember.js arrive lentement mais surement à maturité avec la version 1.0 qui se profile à l’horizon. Les tâches effectuées par des applications web sont répétitives. A better JavaScript Model. Emblem.js : a concise, indented alternative Handlebars syntax. Home | Durandal. Tower.js - Small components for building hardcore apps. Make the Most of Your Routes. At the core of any web application is a mapping between urls and application logic; a mapping between what is in the browser's address bar and what should be displayed on the screen. Rails has routes.rb, Django has URLconf, Backbone.js has controllersBackbone.Router, and Sammy.js has Sammy.js. We also aren't talking about arbitrary URLs here.

Modern well-designed applications use clean, semantic, and probably RESTful urls. These are urls which are human-readable, have a natural hierarchy to them, and intuitively reflect the underlying data to which they relate. So, what's the problem? Problem: Routers Are Designed for Stateless Servers Historically, url routing systems are designed for web servers which maintain little to no state about the client which is making the request1. A url is requested. By not maintaining state, the server is able to drastically reduce its memory-footprint. Here there are four different actions: index, show, edit, and comments, with corresponding url patterns. CodeBrief. Emblem.js : a concise, indented alternative Handlebars syntax. Fernandoperigolo/ember-crud-todo. Air Travel: Who is the most interesting person you've ever sat next to. Getting Started with Ember.js. This is a guide that is intended for JavaScript developers that want to get started building a simple Ember application.

The tutorial will take a look at all of the core components that ember provides and how they all fit together. We will explore the basics of the Router, Model, Controller, View, Handlebars.js templates, and ember-data. Along the way, you will learn the concepts you will need to get started building ambitious single page applications with ember.js. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a working example of a static web site built with ember.js. The companion code is available here: Learning Curve It is well documented in the developer forums and on twitter that learning ember.js is difficult at first. When explaining ember.js, models tutorials start with the data models first, and others the router. Comparison to Backbone.js Understanding the pros and cons of ember.js conventions Setting up <! Simple Router Adding Context. Discourse. Getting Started with Ember.js.

Articles | Ember Sherpa. Articles | Ember Sherpa.