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A fair comparison between Vim and Emacs : vim. Why I wouldn’t recommend vim (or emacs) to developers | I promised I would get back on the issue of vim and why I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, and why (horror, shock, awe!) I find it kind of retrograde. That, importantly, doesn’t mean that everyone is not free to use it, and, to the contrary, people should use it when they are bound to console mode for some reason or another.

However… In the previous article I made a harsh statement: there is absolutely no reason to learn vim in this day and age. In the small melee that followed, my commentators fought to show me the opposite, and I had two amazing examples that I will embed below. First one with emacs (that has been sided with vim in my rebuttal): In this example we have emacs orgtbl mode, that will help you arrange a table in the comment part of an HTML file, even precalculate things, in a spreadsheet manner, and then generate the HTML table out of it. The second one displays the power of vim itself, the named ‘evil’. These examples exhibit exactly what the problem with emacs/vi is. Xah Emacs Tutorial. Nothing This emacs tutorial is designed for programers & scientists who wish to learn emacs to get things done quickly, without spending a lot time on Emacs's special terminologies & methods.

For programers, knowing emacs benefits you for life. Use the search box at top to find things. For new articles, subscribe: Xah Emacs Blog. Quick Tips Working with Files the church of emacs filling, of chars lispy and binding, buffers insert yank, meta sexp add-hook, Eight M-bites And C. Find & Replace Tab, Indentation, Whitespace Editing Tricks Common Tasks Using shell #! Working with HTML Emacs Keys ⌨ Productivity Editing Convenience Setting Up Emacs Init Customization Settings Build Emacs, New Features Useful Packages Misc Emacs Lisp Tutorial Keybinding, Keyboard, Emacs Pinky Emacs Modernization Emacs Related Essays Emacs Images Thumbnails Index Buy Xah Emacs & Emacs Lisp Tutorial About the author, Acknowledgement. The Mastering Emacs Reading Guide.

Welcome to my Mastering Emacs reading guide. Here’s a selection of articles that cover a variety of topics that will make you better at Emacs. I recommend you read one article and try to absorb as much of the material as you can; don’t try to cram it — pick it up naturally. Ask yourself, if you’re trying to do something out of the “ordinary” if you can do it in a cleverer way by either consulting my site or using Google. I’m New to Emacs If you’re a complete beginner to Emacs, then you should start out by first reading the built-in tutorial (type C-h t) and then read my Beginner’s Guide to Emacs.

How do you customize Emacs? … and much more. Next on the list is my very detailed guide to effective editing and movement in Emacs. Nevertheless, I do have some articles that’re written with beginners (and experts!) In my Beginner’s Guide to Emacs article I briefly mention IDO Mode. Customization is the corner stone of Emacs. I want to Customize Emacs Improving Productivity Working with Text. How to learn Emacs :: About this guide to Emacs. This guide is aimed at computer programmers who want to master the GNU Emacs text editor. It has been said that the Emacs learning curve is not so much steep as long. While the initial learning curve is indeed much steeper than other editors, that is a hump you’ll get over fairly soon.

This guide does start from the basics, but its real aim is to help you reach the next level —programming the behavior of Emacs itself— in months rather than years. The focus is on self-driven discovery by leveraging the Emacs built-in help, debugging facilities, and source code. What I need from you is commitment (a couple of dedicated hours of study per week, and to use Emacs as your day-to-day editor) and patience (be willing to give up your favourite IDE’s features, at least for a month or two). If you’re not sure it’s worth the trouble, please read the next section—and then by all means sniff in contempt. Next: Why Emacs. Emacs Rocks! Emacs Basics - IMHO. It’s been a while since I wrote my Vim Introduction and Tutorial (exactly one year). A lot happened between now and then, I chose to get a better feeling about Emacs for example. The reasons aren’t easily explained; The most prominent reason is the awesome AucTex-mode since I’m working heavily with LaTeX lately.

Anyways, learning Vim and Emacs is better than learning only one of them :-). Vim started in 1991 and is based on Bill Joy’s Vi written in 1976/77. Emacs started as set of macros for the TECO editor 1976 and was rewritten in 1984 (GNU Emacs). I still like Vim’s way of doing things, for example the basic commands are very easy and very fast to reach. At first I wanted to compile something similar to my Vim Tutorial, but I ended up publishing just a few notes and more or less a cheat-sheet for Emacs. The best way to get up and running with Emacs is the included tutorial (start by typing C-h t). I’m using Aquamacs on my Mac and GNU Emacs on Linux. Two things to remember Undo/Redo Regions. How to Learn Emacs: A Hand-drawn One-pager for Beginners / A visual tutorial. Here’s version 2 (September 2013). You can print this at 16.5″x10.75″ at 300dpi. Have an ordinary printer?

Check out PosteRazor! Original post from May 2013: I thought I’d draw a one-page guide for some of the things that people often ask me about or that would help people learn Emacs (and enjoy it). You can find the image on Imgur and Flickr too. If you’re completely new to Emacs, start with these Emacs beginner resources. Feel free to share, reuse, or modify this under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence. Possibly counterintuitive point: if you’re a developer or system administrator, t’s good to learn at least the basics of Vim. Need help with Emacs? Meta discussion: How can I make this even better?