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5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite. The hardest stereotypes to break are the ones that are so old as to go all the way back to hunter-gatherer days.

5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite

After all, how can you argue with biology? Women carry the babies, men have the upper body strength to tackle gazelles. Nobody made that up out of thin air. But if society has taught us one thing, it's that it becomes way too easy to attach amendments to that bill, claiming that all sexual and gender stereotypes date back to the early days of human evolution. Of course, in reality ... #5. For most families, finding out the gender of their baby early on is crucial, since everyone needs to know what color of clothes and toys to get them -- pink or blue?

Getty"Margaret, you get little Steve out of that outfit this instant. " If it's a girl, don't forget to paint the room pink and get pink curtains. But at One Time ... If it's starting to seem pretty arbitrary, that's because it totally is. "Don't worry, Junior, dogs are your friends!

" This goes beyond colors, too, by the way. . #4. Seventeen magazine vows not to alter images, to 'celebrate every kind of beauty' Seventeen publishes a "Body Peace Treaty" vowing to show "real girls and models"It's in response to a teen-led petition signed by 84,000 calling photo altering dangerousThe teen behind that petition celebrates a "huge victory" after the magazine's announcementBut an ex-model questions why the magazine didn't admit to ever seriously altering images (CNN) -- When teenage girls check out Seventeen magazine, they'll be getting the complete picture -- no ifs, ands or Photoshopped butts about it.

Seventeen magazine vows not to alter images, to 'celebrate every kind of beauty'

That's the pledge the magazine's staff made in its latest edition, after a push led by a Maine 14-year-old to combat the practice of tweaking pictures and picking models whose appearance give teens an unrealistic perspective on what is beautiful. "We vow to ... never change girls' body or face shapes. (Never have, never will)," the magazine states as part of its "Body Peace Treaty" from its August edition, a copy of which CNN obtained Thursday.

A Girl’s Guide To Battling The Harmful Effects Of Mass Media.

Empowerment / Confidence

Video Games. Researcher reveals how “Computer Geeks” replaced “Computer Girls” Asked to picture a computer programmer, most of us describe the archetypal computer geek, a brilliant but socially-awkward male.

Researcher reveals how “Computer Geeks” replaced “Computer Girls”

We imagine him as a largely noctural creature, passing sleepless nights writing computer code. According to workplace researchers, this stereotype of the lone male computer whiz is self-perpetuating, and it keeps the computer field overwhelming male. Not only do hiring managers tend to favor male applicants, but women are less likely to pursue careers a field where feel they won’t fit in. It may be surprising, then, to learn that the earliest computer programmers were women and that the programming field was once stereotyped as female. The "Computer Girls" As historian Nathan Ensmenger explained to a Stanford audience, as late as the 1960s many people perceived computer programming as a natural career choice for savvy young women. Two women operating ENIAC The "ENIAC Girls" The world described in the Cosmopolitan article seems foreign to us today.

Smearing of feminism – a history through illustrations « GenderBen! Cartoons have been sources of entertainment, political point-making, and propaganda for centuries.

Smearing of feminism – a history through illustrations « GenderBen!

When I think of the subjugation of women in this medium, it is often through sexualisation. Betty Boop, Jessica Rabbit, Wonder Woman, the list goes on. This little comparison has been doing the rounds on the internet lately, and it illustrates the point nicely. The poster for the film ‘The Avengers’, as is. Pose styles reversed. Feminists however, for longer than the word has been in common parlance, have been the targets of predictable, oppositional lampooning. A little background history first, though. So, this first picture is from 1906, and was showing ‘women of the past’ contrasted against ‘what women are becoming’. From 1910. Caption: Millitant Suffragette – “I have smacked policemen, broken windows, assaulted Ministers, broken up meetings, done ‘time’, shouted myself hoarse – to prove myself a fit mate for you! J. 1912. “Mr. I put these two together due to being so similar. Ah. 2012.