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Italia - Matrimoni gay: uno striscione contro il Papa. Multata dai vigili urbani: “Assurdo, non ho offeso nessuno” Trouble viewing translation? Select your default language using Google Translate near top of page. Please be patient with machine translation as it is an evolving technology. Gender, in particular, is problematic in machine translations. “Caro Papa, da sempre la pace è stata ferita e minacciata da soldi, potere, religione e stupidità umana… ma mai dall’amore”.

Il messaggio di Sara Merlini era indirizzato a Benedetto XVI, ma potrebbe essere valido anche per il prossimo pontefice. Solo che Sara, invece che affidare il suo pensiero a un social network, l’ha scritto su due striscioni che ha poi appeso sul proprio terrazzo a Camaiore. E per questo è stata multata dalla polizia municipale: articolo 97 del regolamento di polizia urbana, “divieto di affiggere manifesti, avvisi manoscritti, stampati e simili, sui muri prospicienti le pubbliche strade e piazze”.

La storia nasce a metà dicembre. Alessandro Cesarini Matrimoni gay, espone in terrazza uno striscione contro il Papa. Related... / Twitter. Österreich - Verbesserungen für Transgender-Personen. Trouble viewing translation? Select your default language using Google Translate near top of page. Please be patient with machine translation as it is an evolving technology. Gender, in particular, is problematic in machine translations.

Wien setzt Maßnahmen, um die Situation von Transgender-Personen zu verbessern. Bei einer Personenstandsänderung reicht nun ein psychotherapeutisches Gutachten. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen fällt auch die Gebühr weg. Transgender-Personen – also jene, die nicht nur eine, sondern mehrere Geschlechterrollen einnehmen – seien mit vielen Vorurteilen und Diskriminierungen konfrontiert, erklärte die zuständige Stadträtin Sandra Frauenberger (SPÖ): „In Wien haben wir den eigenen Wirkungsbereich gründlich durchleuchtet und konnten einige Verbesserungen erreichen Weniger Aufwand für Betroffene Bisher ging eine Umbenennung nur mit einer psychiatrischen oder klinischen Expertise.

Schulungen für Standesbeamte Tipps für diskrimierungsfreien Umgang Related... France - Le débat sur le mariage gay passe de la rue à l'Assemblée. Trouble viewing translation? Select your default language using Google Translate near top of page. Please be patient with machine translation as it is an evolving technology. Gender, in particular, is problematic in machine translations. Partisans et adversaires du mariage et de l’adoption pour les couples homosexuels ont entamé mardi un débat marathon à l’Assemblée nationale sur la réforme sociétale la plus importante depuis l’abolition de la peine de mort en 1981. Les opposants au projet de loi, qui ont gagné la bataille de la rue en faisant défiler trois fois plus de personnes que les pro-mariage gay, ne se font guère d’illusions sur leurs chances de remporter le même succès à l’Assemblée. Rappelant le houleux débat parlementaire sur le pacs, il y a quinze ans, le Premier ministre a estimé que les esprits allaient évoluer dans le camp des opposants au “mariage pour tous”.

Sérénité du PS Les intégristes contre “les forces du mal” Related... Susan Stryker on defining "Queer"


Gender. Nothing Can Be Said of Being Butch. A queer friend in graduate school told me about being questioned about the absence of butches and the visibility of trans masculinity in queer community. The question came from a lesbian professor at a private university. “Where have all the butches gone?” First, I refute you thus: I am butch and I'm here, responding. Second, I would prefer to unravel the question than answer it. There is a saying, “Nothing can be said about the Tao.” To say one thing is to exclude another. Merely to use the word “butch” excludes some of the people who are invested. The act of defining an identity excludes other possible definitions. I identify as a woman, the same gender I was assigned at birth. The truth is I myself do not personally know many butch-identified people at all, and sometimes I think I’m only holding on to the word for sentimental reasons. In an alternate universe, the same professor might similarly find herself wondering where all the cowboys have gone.

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