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Nest Rest: Huge Hanging Birdhouse-Shaped Hut for Humans | Designs &Ideas on Dornob. Tree house meets bird house, with a dash of hammock thrown into the mix. While it is not large enough to house the amenities of a true tree home, it is certainly a step up from a simple outdoor couch or recliner – and can be hung at a variety of heights. The resemblance goes more than skin deep, with a woven wood-like structure that parallels the way in which nests are built in nature. ? The result is a semi-enclosed, seclusion-granting space to relax that nonetheless breathes (though, to do so, sacrifices potential rain protection). Almost as neat as the organic design by Dedon itself are the suggested implementations. Finally, the main frames come in a few colors including white and a more natural-looking brown, while the cushions are available in a variety of patterns, textures and materials including acrylic, leather and polyester … how these will weather the outdoors, though, is another question.

Amazing Furniture. Before I Die & Candy Chang. What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. The project gained global attention and thanks to passionate people around the world, over 1000 Before I Die walls have now been created in over 70 countries, including Kazakhstan, Iraq, Haiti, China, Ukraine, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, and South Africa. The walls are an honest mess of the longing, pain, joy, insecurity, gratitude, fear, and wonder you find in every community, and they reimagine public spaces that nurture honesty, vulnerability, trust and understanding.

The Before I Die book is a celebration of these walls and the stories behind them. 2011, New Orleans, LA. Cordoba, Argentina. Najaf, Iraq. Brooklyn, NY. Charmholic. The Real Trends | Real Trends by Norton Mini. Es uno de los grandes dilemas cuando salimos de viaje. ¿Qué discos llevar, qué temas? Acá te contamos cuáles son los mejores para emprender viaje en pleno estado de felicidad. Manejar, para muchos es un verdadero placer. Antes de emprender largos viajes, una de las claves es seleccionar buenos discos para escuchar durante el viaje o bien para cargar al reproductor de MP3.

Si el sonido falla, el trayecto puede ser tedioso. Por eso te pasamos diez temas indispensables -por ritmos y sonidos- para escuchar sin parar y llegar a destino con una sonrisa envidiable. 1. Escuchá los temas en la playlist Bonus Track Tonight – Saint Etienne Vía Ropa De Zazzle - Ropa, Zapatos, Gorras Y más... Wavegarden Wave Pool Surfing Beyond the Ocean. The Coolest Elevator in New York & Scouting NY. Last week, I was scouting office space in a building in Queens.

My guide brought me to this totally unassuming elevator: Really, I have to show you this as I encountered it: WOW. It’s like Willy Wonka built an elevator to the land of Oz! Easily the coolest elevator I’ve ever been on in New York: Here’s a full panorama looking toward the rear of the elevator (that’s a railing beneath the mirror)… …and a reverse pan showing the front: Lining the ceiling are these great monster heads made out of mechanical bits… Each is poking through its own hole: More characters, including a king: Another character: The elevator is a last remnant from when the former Macy’s warehouse building catered to a more artsy clientele.

Best of all, there’s a cool fish-eye mirror at one end, which makes it look like you’re leaning out of some parallel dimension: PS – One other installation was left in the lobby – a school bus, apparently paused in the midst of an avant-garde crash: