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リアル脱出ゲーム. Strandbeest. Touché. Disney Research, Pittsburgh.


Touché is a new sensing technology that proposes a novel Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing technique that can not only detect a touch event, but simultaneously recognize complex configurations of the human hands and body during touch interaction. This allows to significantly enhances touch interaction in a broad range of applications, from enhancing conventional touchscreens to designing interaction scenarios for unique use contexts and materials. For example, in our explorations we added complex touch and gesture sensitivity not only to computing devices and everyday objects, but also to the human body and liquids.

Importantly, instrumenting objects and material with touch sensitivity is easy and straightforward: a single wire is sufficient to make objects and environments touch and gesture sensitive. Research paper. Game of Life Recursively Defined. 100円ノート メモ術. きっと皆さんも子供の頃に経験があると思います。

100円ノート メモ術

多分、授業中に描いていたのではないでしょうか? 上の図のように、右側に曲げて絵を描いたら、今度は左側に曲げて絵を描く。 そして、教科書を普通に置くと何も見えないのに、曲げるとさっき描いた絵が見えてくる。 まるで騙し絵のようにです。 この原理を応用したのが「超メモ術」なのです。 Basic English. 音階の視覚化. ● 図形で測る音程関係!


それぞれ 異なった響きのハーモニィーとなります! それは、ピアノは「平均律」、バイオリンは「純正律」、三味線は「邦楽的純正律」 それぞれの楽器で、調律の基準となる音程関係(楽律)が異なっているためです。 ※ 「平均律」は、1オクターブを12等分した音程で構成される楽律。 ピアノやオルガンなどの鍵盤楽器、木琴やビブラフォンなどの打楽器、 主に、演奏中 音程を変えられない楽器に用いられています。 ※ 「純正律」は、音程を簡単な整数比に保ち、和音が完全に融合するようにした楽律。 ハリナックス. 2穴タイプ. PPC用紙を10枚までしっかりとじられます。


針を使わないので、廃棄する際に分別の必要がありません。 また、そのままシュレッダーにかけられます。 ワンアクションで2ヵ所をとじると同時にファイル穴もあけられます。 Breakthrough. In science and medicine and across the humanities, Harvard has a legacy of transformative intellectual breakthroughs.


As the University officially kicks off its 375th anniversary celebration, contemporary faculty members explain moments in Harvard’s history that revolutionized their areas of expertise, and in the process changed the world. Surgical Anesthesia Allan M. Brandt Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Amalie Moses Kass Professor of the History of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Professor of the History of Science, Faculty of Arts and SciencesWatch video … Designated Drivers Barry R. The Invention of GIS Charles Waldheim Chair, Department of Landscape Architecture John E. String theory finds a bench mate. The incredible delivery system. Every day, approximately 4,000 dabbawallahs deliver 160,000 home-cooked lunches from the kitchens of suburban wives and mothers direct to Mumbai’s workers in “the world’s most ingenious meal distribution system.”

The incredible delivery system

(Hey UPS, how’s that for logistics?) Dabbawallahs pick up the home cooked lunches in the suburbs, hop on trains, and deliver them, via bike, to Mumbai office workers. Later on, they pick up and bring back the same empty tiffins (the name for the metal containers used). Despite the lack of fuel, computers, or modern technology involved, a tiffin goes astray only once every two months. So for every six million tiffins delivered, only one fails to arrive. Code The mostly illiterate crew of deliverymen relies on a color coding system to route lunches to the proper recipients. Tiffins in the wild. The code explained. The dabbawallahs even deliver in the pouring rain or during political strife. Tiffin boxes The tiffins themselves are pretty ingenious too. 1. Want your own? Dabbawala. Mumbai dabbahwalas Dabbawala loading lunch boxes on a train A dabbawala; also spelled as dabbawalla or dabbawallah; is a person in India, most commonly in Mumbai, who is part of a delivery system that collects hot food in lunch boxes from the residences of workers in the late morning, delivers the lunches to the workplace utilizing various modes of transport, predominantly bicycles and the rail trains, and returns the empty boxes back to the customer's residence that afternoon.


They are also made use of by prominent meal suppliers in Mumbai where they ferry ready, cooked meals from central kitchens to the customers and back. "Tiffin" is an Anglo-Indian word, derived from obsolete English slang "tiffing" (to sip),[1] for a light lunch or afternoon snack, and sometimes, by extension, for the box it is carried in. For this reason, the dabbawalas are sometimes called tiffin wallahs. Etymology and historical roots[edit] A dabba, or Indian-style tiffin box. Box coding Supply chain[edit] Coordinates: エラー率わずか0.00000625% 日本の物流システムの高い精度と速度はよく知られたところ。


これは徹底的なコンピューター化と日本の道路・通信インフラの優秀さがもたらすものです。 しかしインドはもっとすごかった。 社会的なインフラがまだまだ未整備なのにも関わらず、伝票もPOS端末も携帯電話も一切なんにも使わずに毎日20万食の昼食を時間通りに届ける「ダッバワーラー」という驚異のシステムが存在しているのです。 一体どんな人達なのでしょうか。 ダッバーワーラーとはミスは1600万回に1回、驚異の低エラー率超複雑なネットワークを人力で運営するダッバーワーラー達なぜダッバーワーラーは超低料金で超優良サービスを提供できるのか? ダッバーワーラーとは. Bento Laptop Tablet. Bento is quite an exceptional and forward thinking concept by René Woo-Ram Lee.

Bento Laptop Tablet

It’s quite a plausible scenario that most of use/own a tablet, a PC, external hard drives and a smartphone. Now combine the power of these to have fully customizable Bento Laptop! The Box accommodates all the gear to work as one whole unit or individually; as you see fit. Features Laptop with 15″ OLED screen11″ tablet and 4″ phone sit in shallow depressionsSolar powered lithium-ion battery1TB SSD drive Designer: René Woo-Ram Lee The Fujitsu branding is evident and rightly so, the concept is a part of the Fujitsu Design Award that is organized by Designboom.
