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FLA - Assistant de Langues

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Amity Institute

Commission franco-américaine (Fulbright Commission) Assistants ou Lecteurs à l'étranger. Amherst College. Fulbright. CIEP. French Assistants. "Our French assistant is remarkable!

French Assistants

Her flexibility, open-mindedness, and very warm personality are especially well-suited to working in our school. " -International Montessori School of North Carolina "Our assistant is professional, inquisitive, caring, flexible, proactive, and a very fast learner. " -Washington International School. Forum des assistants de français. Vis ma vie d'assistante de français en Espagne ! Destination Francophonie - Destination Mexico. Malette pédagogique. Documentaire: Language acquisition. Foreign Language Assistants 2014-2015 (le guide) Préparer son séjour étudiant à l'étranger - Pakata. Teach your language in the UK. Would you like the opportunity to spend a year living and working in the UK?

Teach your language in the UK

By becoming a Language Assistant in a UK school you can do just that, whilst also helping students improve their knowledge and understanding of your language and culture. Language Assistants in UK schools come from 15 countries and work in the classroom with teachers, or on their own with small groups. They spend up to a year helping students to improve their confidence with foreign languages and increase their cultural awareness.