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Bookbinding Tutorial With Pics « Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. This is so cool. We found this wandering ’round the intertubes the other day, and got in contact with the guy who made it, artist James Darrow. He gave us permission to post it here. (Thank you, Mr. Darrow!) Take it away, James: There’s more at the link (and don’t worry about the name – deviantArt is just a site for artists to sell their work, and it’s suitable for all ages), including thorough information on the materials and tools used. Thank you once again, James Darrow.

Painted Quote. A couple weeks ago, I found a paint-by-number at an unbeatable price. I can't pass these things up even though I already owned this particular design. I thought that I could maybe use it to make a fun D.I.Y., but my new rule is that all thrifts that I purchase with the intent of restyling need to get done right away. I have way too many half finished projects in my life. With that little bit of motivation I came up with a fun D.I.Y. to display some of my favorite song lyrcis in our newlywed home. Enjoy.... Here's how I did it... I displayed our piece in our bedroom, on Jeremy's side of the bed. A couple weeks ago, I found a paint-by-number at an unbeatable price. Newspaper Gift Bags. When I bought something at a store recently, the clerk handed me my purchase in a bag made from a newspaper.

I liked it very much and had to make some more—thus today's DIY recycled newspaper project: gift bags made from the Wall Street Journal. You can vary the dimensions, of course, but here's what I used to create a bag that's 5" tall, 4.5" wide, and 3" deep. Stack two sheets of newspaper on top of each other. This will be a two-ply bag for extra sturdiness. Cut out a rectangle that's 15.5" wide and 8.25" tall. If your paper already has a fold in it, align the existing fold with one of the fold lines in the diagram below, unless you don't mind an extra fold appearing somewhere on your bag.

Fold a flap 1.25" down from the top. Cut two pieces of cardstock or chipboard to 4.25" x 1", then glue them on the widest two panels just under the top fold. Upend the bag so the 2" flap is now up. Put glue on both flaps and fold them inward to form the bottom of the bag. Paper Onion Garland. I made these map garlands as a special request for a customer and they have proved rather popular. The map colours glow in the light – all those blues and green smoosh together into something very pretty. This is the style I call ‘paper onions’. I don’t know what else to call them! These are paper hearts, strung on twine. I’d like to experiment with something other than twine though. Like this: Like Loading... Magazine Crafts. Paper Garlands. Can a tiny string of paper really transform a room? I think so. If its a paper garland from This Neck of the Woods.

Aren’t these great? I have so many ideas… Hang a strand over a window, decorate for your children’s birthday party, run one down the middle of a table as a party runner, or behind your bed as a replacement to a traditional headboard. Each garland is handmade and hand glued using high-quality German papers. Visit This Neck of the Woods on etsy and papernstitch to view the entire collection. This entry is filed under bright, celebrate, color, confetti, decor, decoration, fun, garlands, paper, paper garland, party, string, this neck of the woods, thisneckofthewoods.

Paper Flowers.