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Social media boost for high-end skin care launch. Within a week of launching a Facebook and Twitter account at the same time as its company website, Swedish Skin had received a rush of fans and customers. The Facebook fan total now exceeds 2,000, and allows Swedish Skin to communicate to consumers with much less hassle – it can also offer discount codes to customers through this medium. William Byrd, CEO of Swedish Skin, told USA, of the ease these pages can bring to marketing the brand. “Social media makes promotion, sales so effortless that it enables the company to only sell online, which is much more profitable than selling in stores.” Reviewers become adverts As well as Facebook and Twitter accounts, Swedish Skin has also benefitted from skin care reviewers posting videos on Youtube. “When someone produces videos that receive 500,000+ viewings, and then they review or plug your products, it’s fabulous word of mouth support.”

“This helps garner trust from potential customers. Apple healing serum. Enterprise Social 2.0. My 10 Most Powerful Video Marketing Tips. Video marketing is, without a doubt, one of the biggest reasons I’ve been able to create a multiple 6-figure business online. It is the core of just about everything I do… whether it be blogging and creating content, marketing/keyword targeting, or making video sales pages and capture pages. It’s the most powerful marketing and communication medium that we have online… And the most effective. When you master video, it increases your conversions, helps you build automated relationships, drives you automated traffic, and solidifies your online presence and brand online. And want to help you do just that!

So take the time, grab a pen and paper, and watch the free video training below where I reveal my 10 most powerful video marketing tips… Hope you enjoyed it! So what did you think? To Your Video Marketing Mastery, Be Sociable, Share! Tagged as: online marketing, social networking secrets, video marketing, video marketing tips, YouTube. 28 Awesome B2B Social Media Statistics. Below are a collection of B2B social media statistics collected from various sources covering a wide range of topics.

We hope you enjoy digging into the numbers. If you have any other interesting stats, please add them in the comments and include the source with link. Usage: 86% of B2B firms are using social, compared to 82% of B2C. Forecasts: Annual growth in US B2B online marketing spend is forecast at 8% in 2010 and is set to reach 14% by 2012. Executive Interest: 36% of B2B execs surveyed said there was low executive interest in social media in their company, compared with 9% of B2C marketers who said the same.

Focus: According to an eMarketer study, B2B online marketers focus on lead generation (38%), retention (34%) and awareness (28%). Channels: Asked to rate the effectiveness of specific social media sites in their marketing efforts, more than one-half of respondents said that Facebook was “extremely” or “somewhat” effective. Measurement: Resource Allocation: Budgets: 187PAT - Skillz n Things and more of everything.... always in touch with your friends. Facebook. Twitter / Home.

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