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Attending Preschool: Benefits of Early Childhood Education. Your little bundle of joy, as she arrives on earth, becomes the center of your universe. You pour all your attention, love, care and affection on her and cannot think of spending an hour without her out of your sight. But as she grows, she needs to get out of your protective shell because there is a big and exciting world waiting for her to be explored. And the first step towards getting to know about that world is attending a pre-school.

You might have already read or attended a lot of debates about pre-school/Pre-K. Overcoming Your Apprehensions The first and foremost step to prepare yourself to get your toddler enrolled in a preschool is to overcome your apprehensions. How Will Your Child Benefit By Attending a Pre-School As discussed earlier, pre-school plays an important role in the overall development of your child. . • Socio-Emotional Development • Language Skills First and foremost, you must know that in a pre-school, kids are not made to sit down and taught lessons.