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Incredible $100 Arduino-Based CNC Machine. CNC machines allow you to mill just about any shape or design you’d like using X, Y and Z axis. Typcailly they cost serveral thousand dollars, but this man built his own CNC machine and wrote up a tutorial on how you can build it yourself. Typically CNC’s use lead screws which create linear motion using a motor and a threaded rod. Another neat feature is that the entire system is build using Arduino and controlled via a Python script. A similar build is pictured below: More DIY CNC:

Incredible $100 Arduino-Based CNC Machine

Make a Laser Etching PCB CNC. Make a 300mW Burning Laser CNC Plotter. A 300mW laser might not burn through a wall, it delivers fantastic results as a CNC plotter.

Make a 300mW Burning Laser CNC Plotter

This Motori plotter is all about precision and speed. According to the maker, the laser’s power is sufficient to cut into thin films and make a hole 10-12mm deep in high density foam and pyroengrave wood. Definitely good enough to use it in laser plotter projects. Don’t Miss: Our massive selection of DIY laser projects Demonstration Photos: