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Buy XXL Posters Online. How to hide, show, or toggle your div. Are you trying to find a way to hide and show your content? The demo below shows a simple yet elegant way of toggling your content and toggling the control text via Javascript and styling. We will cover how to implement this example later on in the tutorial but first let's start with a simple example. Here is the sample HTML and Javascript code: By default, the peek-a-boo text is loaded when the page loads but the display attribute for the div that the content resides in is set to none so it is not visible to the visitor. When the link is clicked, the toggle() JavaScript functions executes and checks the value of the display style for the div that contains the content that we want to toggle. If the display style is none, the function will: Set the display style to block - This is executed in the else block of the function.

If the display style is block, the function will: Set the display style to none - This is executed in the if block of the function. Here is the HTML code for the demo: Home | Porter Yates Photography. Compresor regulable Genesis + colchón - Ortopedia Plus. HTML Encrypter. Reflexiones senoixelfeR | El espejo que refleja nuestro interior. Google. © 2021 - Privacy - Terms. The Egyptian People's Papyrus. » Mostrar/ocultar capas con Javascript | Solo Código | Escrito por el Thursday, 13 de September del 2007 a las 19:53 document.getElementById('nombre_div').style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById('nombre_div').style.visibility = "visible"; Todo ello con Simplemente con un poco de imaginación podemos conseguir efectos realmente llamativos. Aquí tienes un function oculta(){ document.getElementById('capa1').style.visibility = "hidden"; function muestra(){ document.getElementById('capa1').style.visibility = "visible"; Esta es la capa 1 <a href = "#" onclick = "oculta()" > Oculta la capa 1 </a> <a href = "#" onclick = "muestra()" > Muestra la capa 1 </a> 3 Comentarios Entradas relacionadas.

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