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These Adorable Color Block Crayon Candles Can Be Made At Home! A candle which represents beauty and love is adored by all women.

These Adorable Color Block Crayon Candles Can Be Made At Home!

Any kind of candle that makes a soft burning light gets our attention and it is even more is we face any designed candles. Though there are different types of candles with their size, fragrance and type; all types are not liked by everybody. Some adores the fragrance of the candles and other may look for the cute colors. Via: Brit Speaking of colors, when we look for some colored candles; it might have happened that we did not get the color we have been expecting to get. Color block crayon candles are the ultimate solution for making the accurate colored candles at your home! If you are having any party at your home or you are looking for a theme color considering your home decoration, you can choose the number of colors used in your furniture and other decoration and then apply those colors in your color block crayon candles. Crayons can be used for candles in many different ways. How to: teddy bear recycled glove.

Et pour cause...

How to: teddy bear recycled glove

C'en est un ! Le Mâm' Sca'lett du gant, vous connaissez ? Après le doudou chaussette, une idée qui fait un pied de nez aux mitaines enrhumées ! Nonnn... Regardez comme il est adorable ce doudou aux doigts de fée ! Une idée à croquer, née sous les doigts agiles de Miyako Kanamori. Où comment recycler tout en douceur l'ultime gant de Poupette, gardé dans l'hypothétique espoir d'un retour de son jumeau... Et de vos mains agiles rendre vie à cet esseulé. Un doudou doigts doux. ******


How to: Home made finger paints. How to: Homemade Pavement Chalk. By Kate on August 2, 2010 Making pavement chalk is really easy, lots of fun and the end result provides you with a brilliant excuse to get outside.

How to: Homemade Pavement Chalk

To make your chalk will need: ♥ Plaster of Paris (one cup) ♥ Water (one cup) ♥ Powdered tempera paint ♥ Disposable container ♥ Greaseproof paper ♥ Toilet rolls ♥ Masking tape 1) Get your toilet roll and tape one end with masking tape to seal it off. Line the inside of the tube with greaseproof paper. 2) Pour the water into your disposable container then sprinkle the plaster on top (generally its a 1:1 ratio but check the instructions on the packet). 3) Stand each tube, taped side down, on a level surface. 4) Once the plaster has set you can remove the toilet roll and greaseproof paper. TIPS: If the toilet roll tube is a little chunky for your taste then you can split the tube, overlap, then tape to reduce the diameter. WARNINGS: Remember not to pour Plaster of Paris down the plughole!

How to : Stencil Water Color. Okay kids, for leaving me all those wonderful and inspiring comments, I give you: Watercolor Stencil Portraiting - The Tutorial!

How to : Stencil Water Color

Bear with me, it's almost midnight and I am exhausted, and I leave for vacation tomorrow. And I've never done a tutorial before. Hahaha. Okay. 1. 2. 2a. You should end up with something like this; 3.