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Ruby on Rails

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15 Things for a Ruby Beginner. The following is a post I had recently sent the Bangalore Ruby User Group.

15 Things for a Ruby Beginner

It has been slightly modified to address a larger audience. There were many Ruby beginners in last week's meetup, and the common question we heard was 'after the very basics, what next? ' The best way to learn Ruby best practices is to pair with an experienced dev; the way I learned was by inheriting a reasonably small, but well-written codebase from an amazing colleague.

In the absence of either, here is a checklist of 15 things (since 'N things that you need to know about X' is the in-thing these days!) Видео Ruby on Rails в действии. Видеоуроки от на русском языке Если вы когда-либо посещали, то уже наверняка знакомы с этими по настоящему классными видеоуроками.

Видео Ruby on Rails в действии

Теперь они доступны и на русском языке. В каждом видеоуроке показано, как с помощью Rails решаются актуальные задачи. Мое первое впечатление от Ruby on Rails на примере работы над уроком Flex + RoR от Кристофа Конраца - Флэш Потрошитель - flash, flex, air, swf, flv, fla, ruby, mxml, as, video, 3d, игры, dvd ripper, flash player, soul catcher.