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IoC Container Benchmark - Performance comparison - In this post I will do a performance comparison of the most popular IoC containers.Of course performance is not the only criteria when choosing a container for a project. Perhaps you need features like interception or you develop for a specific platform, then not all containers are suited. But especially in high-load scenarios like a web application, a fast container can help you to serve more requests in the same time, so why not choose the fastest one? The test setup The contestants The number of available DI containers is quite big (see table below). Some of the mature frameworks like Ninject or Unity are widly used but are pretty slow.Most of the younger containers offer a better performance.

Internally most of them use compiled expressions to improve the resolve times. The test setup Several benchmarks are executed to test the performance of the containers in different scenarios. Every interface is resolved 500.000 times during the benchmark and the time is measured in milliseconds. MVVM Library For Javascript: KnockoutJS. The last few years, nearly every web application I’ve built has been using the MVC pattern, and pretty much all of those using the ASP.NET MVC framework. I’ve worked out some repeatable patterns that make building a certain kind of application (straightforward CRUD and similar apps) very straightforward.

That’s a good thing given how often the projects in front of me line up with that pattern. But, there’s another kind of application I’m wanting to build and being asked to build. It’s characterized with a more sophisticated UI that has “richer” interactions. While that could be steered in the direction of Silverlight, most of the time, my clients (and myself for a couple of upcoming applications) really want more devices targeted than Silverlight supports. That points to a Javascript/AJAX powered application. However, the looking at Silverlight I’ve done has highlighted how useful the MVVM pattern is for richer client applications. Multi-field search. Datajs - JavaScript Library for data-centric web applications. Скринкаст об основах ExtJS — DataStore и GridPanel. Use Knockout for real-time UX updates in ASP.NET MVC 3 - I Want My MVC. ASP.NET, LINQ, jQuery, JSON, Ajax – Oh my! In this article we will be looking at a different type of architecture. One in which we utilize jQuery’s ability to easily transfer data (via Ajax and JSON) from the client to the server.

We then use ASP.NET and LINQ to SQL to query the database and return a collection of data which gets (automatically) serialized to JSON and sent to the client. The benefits of combining these technologies include: more responsive applications, more processing on the client, less processing on the server and reduced network traffic. Everything runs faster and uses fewer resources. Still not convinced? Here are some additional benefits of this architecture: Benefits of the Architecture Unlike an ASP.NET UpdatePanel we only pass what we need; we only receive what we need. Hopefully you are salivating at these benefits enough to decide to get your feet wet and follow along. In this article will be leveraging these technologies to build a grid (or what looks like a table). jQuery The Take Away. Aloha Editor - HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor. CKEditor - WYSIWYG Text and HTML Editor for the Web.

Using FCK Editor with ASP.NET MVC - SuperSKa Weblog - MSMVPS.COM. First of, what is this FCKEditor? Well, it's an HTML Text Editor. It's free and open source, cross browser, extensible and there are probably quite a few more buzzwords applicable. Oh... and it's also the default HTML Text Editor provided with DotNetNuke. Fck Editor is soon to be replaced by CK Editor but I'll stick with Fck for now. CK will work mostly the same though. First, you'll need to download Fck Editor. You'll need to copy the "editor" folder over to you Contents folder in you ASP.NET MVC website.

Two other files you might want to copy over to this same folder are in the root of the downoaded zipfile: fckeditor.js and fckconfig.js. Next, include the fckeditor.js file in your page: <script src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/Js/fck/fckeditor.js") %>" type="text/javascript" ></script> All set. Important thing here, is the name property of the TextArea being set to the same value as the Id of it. [ValidateInput(false)]public ActionResult Save(int id){ ...} With this, you're all set. YUI Library Examples: Container Family: Creating a Modal "Loading" Panel. Mapping. Knockout is designed to allow you to use arbitrary JavaScript objects as view models. As long as some of your view model’s properties are observables, you can use KO to bind to them to your UI, and the UI will be updated automatically whenever the observable properties change.

Most applications need to fetch data from a backend server. Since the server doesn’t have any concept of observables, it will just supply a plain JavaScript object (usually serialized as JSON). The mapping plugin gives you a straightforward way to map that plain JavaScript object into a view model with the appropriate observables. Download Version 2.0 (8.6kb minified) Example: Manual mapping without the ko.mapping plugin You want to display the current server-time and the number of users on your web page. You could bind this view model to some HTML elements as follows: Since the view model properties are observable, KO will automatically update the HTML elements whenever those properties change. How things are mapped. MvcContrib: an Outer Curve Foundation project. ASP.NET MVC 3 для начинающих: добавляем ввод даты с помощью jQueryUI и NuGet - Блог Владимира Юнева. В ходе обучения новым технологиям перед новичками часто возникают типовые задачи, которые не так просто решить.

В цикле статей MVC3 для начинающих будут представлены решения таких задач. Частый вопрос, который встает перед веб-разработчиками – это добавление на страницу удобного ввода даты с помощью ниспадающего элемента в виде календаря. В этой статье дается короткое описание того, как в MVC 3 добавить такой элемент за несколько мгновений с помощью пакетного менеджера NuGet и библиотеки jQuery UI. Ниже представлено полное решение с исходными кодами. Установка компонентов через Nuget Первым делом нам потребуется добавить в проект пакет с элементом управления jQuery UI DatePicker, который позволяет организовать на веб-странице удобный ввод даты в поле ввода. Откройте панель NuGet и введите команду: install-package jQuery.UI.Widgets.Datepicker Через несколько секунд пакт будет загружен и установлен вместе со всеми зависимостями (рисунок 1). Рис.1. Разметка Скрипты и стили Рис. 2. Локализация.

ASP.NET MVC 3: Integrating with the jQuery UI date picker and adding a jQuery validate date range validator - Stuart Leeks. UPDATE: I've blogged about an more flexible way to wire up the editor template here. This is post looks at working with dates in ASP.NET MVC 3. We will see how to integrate the jQuery UI date picker control automatically for model properties that are dates and then see an example of a custom validator that ensures that the specified date is in a specified range. Additionally, we will add client-side validation support and integrate with the date picker control to guide the user to pick a date in the valid range. The demo project For the purposes of this post I have created a Foo class (and a view model with an associated message): public class Foo { public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime Date { get; set; } } public class FooEditModel { public string Message { get; set; } public Foo Foo { get; set; } } I’ve created the following minimal Edit action (omitting any save logic since we’re not interested in that aspect - it just displays a “saved” message): Adding the date picker ).

Ajax Control Toolkit: new controls, bug fixes - Tales from the Evil Empire. And we have a new release of Ajax Control Toolkit. I didn’t work on this one but there are some nice things in there nonetheless :) First, new controls! Now with this release of Ajax Control Toolkit, including and controlling Deep Zoom from an ASP.NET page is also very easy: James Senior just released a screencast on how to create Deep Zoom contents for the new Seadragon control: AsyncFileUpload: This is by far one of the most requested controls for ACT.

This new control makes it a lot easier to handle file uploads from your Ajax applications by providing an abstraction on top of the form posting: It works pretty much as advertised: just drop the control on the page, and you can upload files without a full postback. The control has client and server-side events that get triggered when the file has been uploaded. Download the new release here: Trying Out DevExpress MVC Extensions. I'm a huge CodeRush and Refactor user and DevExpress fan, but my day job is developing web sites so I thought I'd give the DevExpress MVC Extensions a run to see how they work. The DevExpress MVC Extensions are sort of like web controls - like HtmlHelper methods combined with some client-side script - that allow you to easily provide rich client-side widgetry in your MVC applications.

I'm always interested in easy ways to provide a nice experience, so this sounds pretty good to me. The first thing I noticed, even before I got a chance to use the extensions, was the seamless install process. I had already installed CodeRush/Refactor using the separate DevExpress IDE Tools installer, but when I ran the full DX Universal installer it totally picked up that I had some components installed and went to a "Modify" operation rather than not seeing the previously installed tools and telling me to re-install.

After installing, I decided to start up a new project to test things out in. Nice. ASP.NET MVC and jQuery Part 4 – Advanced Model Binding. This is the fourth post in a series about jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 2 in Visual Studio 2010. In my last post I covered the simple scenario of a Person object getting POSTed to an MVC controller using jQuery. In this article, I’m going to look at three other, more complex examples of real-world model binding and where jQuery might fit in the mix. The model binding scenarios I’ll cover are: Sorting a list with jQuery UI support and submitting IDs to the controller for processing. Using jQuery to augment the user experience on a list of checkboxes (supporting check all/none) and allowing MVC to handle the elegance on it’s own.

Give users the ability to build a list of items on a complex object, then submit that object to an MVC controller for processing. The entire working solution is available for download at the end of the file. Preface In the first two examples here I have lists of data that are statically programmed into the page. Sortable Lists Yes. The juicy bits in jQuery are as follows: jQuery UI Multiple Select Widget | Eric Hynds. This is the successor and port of my original jQuery MultiSelect Plugin to a jQuery UI widget. While both will actively be maintained, I highly recommend you use this version over the plugin version.

It has a more robust feature set, is faster, and is much more flexible. MultiSelect turns an ordinary HTML select control into an elegant drop down list of checkboxes with themeroller support. This version inherits all the benefits from the jQuery UI widget factory that are not available in the plugin version. The most requested feature was the ability to call methods on instances after initialization (e.g., statefullness), and now there are 10 to choose from! Current version: 1.13 (08/19/2012 - changelog)View demos.Download source or minified, and the CSS file.Follow this project on GitHub.Run the unit tests.Please report any bugs on the issue tracker. Demo See what you're missing out on? Usage Using this widget is simple. Next construct a standard multiple select box.

Options Events Methods.