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Run Windows Store Apps From Desktop. Download - 15 KB Introduction When customers ask me how they can run a Windows Store app from Desktop usually the answer is – You Can’t, but if you really want to, there is a way to do that.

Run Windows Store Apps From Desktop

The reason I usually answer You Can’t is because – in order to run a Windows Store app from Desktop you need to install Windows App Certification Kit, this pack contains the “” file that can run a Windows Store app by this application model ID. So if you plan on publishing your app you can’t assume the ACK is installed on the client machine. Again, if you really want… Let me show you.

Simple IMAP CLIENT. A Pie Menu for WPF. Download source Introduction The concept of pie menus have been around for quite some while, and might in certain contexts have some benefits over the standard linear menus.

A Pie Menu for WPF