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Elijah Bailey (Zu ND Odyofilz)'s photos on picplz. 'Kay: See, and the sunshine'll band. - Montréal - August 3, 2011 - zjemily. Saddened by some emotional news. Romance of the 3 Zu's got mentally blocked. - Station Honoré-Beaugr. Ce corbeau ne dort trop. A crow can't bore, yo. - Station Honoré-Beaugrand - Montréal - August 16, 2. Blocking a renovated exit: fail imho. - Station Langelier - Montréal - September 20, 2011 - zjemily' Leaving work early for meetings, clockwork savings, and financial appreciative feelings. - Station H.

Sorry if I seemed distracted these last 24hrs (google+) B) - Montréal - June 30, 2011 - zjemily's ph. You feel a presence watching you. Presents to view. - Centre de Soins Prolongés Grace D'Art Hospital. How I temporarily became the secretary. - Labrador Laurentienne - Montréal - August 1, 2011 - zjemi. Mags with a view for the car magazines. - Metro Domaine - Montréal - June 29, 2011 - zjemily's photo. Zu had a dream: he was climbing to the top of the pageranked Z's... Zzz.. - Centre Domaine - Montréa. Being part of the archives and writings on Montreal's walls. - Shop Angus - Montréal - August 27, 20. Working hard at enjoying some of life's detailed events. - STM Arret/Stop #54621 - Montréal - Septem. It's the beat: the overtime beat. - Labrador Laurentienne - Montréal - August 26, 2011 - zjemily's p. Taken captive by the rain. Supportive now to it's humble rumblings, stuck, efforts are in vain. - Au. If I could sleep, like her I'd do so and dream in a deep leap. - Station Honoré-Beaugrand - Montréal.

Any way the wind blows. - Purolator Courrier - Montréal - August 3, 2011 - zjemily's photo on picpl. Halloween: 40.17 days ahead.. Ce que je déteste ces fêtes devenues revenus. 8/ - Metro Domaine - Mon. Duality in Protection Servings. - SPVM Poste de quartier 48 - Montréal - October 16, 2011 - zjemily' Arranging to leave for another realm, banging at attending. - August 23, 2011 - zjemily's photo on p. In need of serious sleep, captures, I still did. - Station Honoré-Beaugrand - Montréal - August 15, La file pour l'autobus se défile, et malgré leurs attentes, n'épient. - Station Langelier - Montréal. Taking shots at taking risks, even the shocking ones as the electrocuted guy's logo. - October 17, 2. What am I up to? Overtime all week mes amis, rien de moins sauf du temps. - Labrador Laurentienne -

Searching for water, just need to go past highways and the harbor. - Hopital Louis-H Lafontaine - Mo. Experimenting on a cloudy day. - Frank Fleuriste - Montréal - October 16, 2011 - zjemily's photo on. Mayweather victory's in mind, smokescreens as the punches made contact: a ding. - STM Arret/Stop #52. "Je te donnerai un 'bec xq viens'. A 9:11 ou pas, que tu t'en souviennes ou bien..." #jemesouviens.

Finally, some rain for those who walk and keep ish sane. #Monday - STM Arret/Stop #54621 - Montréal. Getting some sun before it's too late. - Depanneur Du Quartier - Montréal - September 17, 2011 - zje. Bon Dimanche! Next: stepping in that fountain under the heat. - Parc De L'Ancienne Pepiniere - Montr. Summarizing Samurai Eyeing Zu - Montréal - August 3, 2011 - zjemily. Chilling with my excavator, new beats to create in mind. - Parc Raymond-Prefontaine - Montréal - Jul. Me, Myself & Irene: Letting Zu be that Carrey on his b-day. - Centre de Soins Prolongés Grace D'Art. After the hurricane? Great weather like nothing happened... She was going after my b-day. - Purolato.

Scanning for Zombies '11. - Montréal - August 6, 2011 - zjemily. Afro-Zu earlier in the day is enlightened. - Montréal - July 2, 2011 - zjemily. Routine or no routine, that is the question. - Labrador Laurentienne - Montréal - October 12, 2011. Don't worry, I'll remember. September Dues. - Coiffure Donald Proulx - Montréal - September 11, 2011. But I preferred dealing with Coffer in Rage, what a well-designed character! (part 2) - October 10, Groceries feat. Salt n Peppa. - Poivre et Sel - Montréal - September 24, 2011 - zjemily's photo on p. "I'm on a boat." (until the owner knows about it) - Parc De L'Ancienne Pepiniere - Montréal - August.

"Where do I want to go today?" #M$ #Portolet - September 24, 2011 - zjemily. And one last look at the scene, services were doing an efficient job and were funny too. Best of luc. Flying outta here, Zu is. - Salle St. Fabien - Montréal - August 12, 2011 - zjemily's photo on picpl. One smoke, two shots and I'm gone. - Hotel de Ville de Montréal - Montréal - July 23, 2011 - zjemily. Not Dre Day: Grey Day. - STM Arret/Stop #54621 - Montréal - June 29, 2011 - zjemily's photo on picpl. Crawling over the highways, sideways the sun glaze: Concepts to raise. - Autoroute Metropolitaine - I was witness to a crazy accident on the 40, passengers are fine, moved the car off the highway. - R.

Had to be subjected to BB guns. All against the unarmed can! Take cover. - Parc De L'Ancienne Pepini. The Planted Paper Pine Tree People. - Vieux Port - Montréal - July 23, 2011 - zjemily's photo on pic. Zu's good sugar-coated side. Fatigué et de bonne humeur. Now on tech calls. - Rushour Sur La 40 Est! Applied to be team leader (chef d'équipe), interview went well: Happy Weekend! - Labrador Laurentien. A minute for the Marchand, the Beaulieu and the Cyr. - Cimetière St-François d'Assise - Montréal - O. Dreaming of a playground. Scenting the moment and its air, the sound. - STM Arret/Stop #54621 - Mont. That's certainly a hot day. Do it, outside's fun... Tech call now. - Station Préfontaine - Montréal.

Biggest set of chemtrails in a month, why resume from your 2 weeks vacations? - Centre Jeunesse de M. Break-fast, 'Le bread' first. - Centre Domaine - Montréal - September 2, 2011 - zjemily's photo on. For the period: "Thanks, giving" me an additional day this weekend. Time to compose. - Labrador Laur. "Takin' over the city" - September 11, 2011 - zjemily.

Taking some quality time with the sun. - Station Langelier - Montréal - July 31, 2011 - zjemily's ph. States on instances last night, and met a tourist from France, great talks. - Station Joliette - Mon. Target was acquired, and eliminated with good aim. Detective Bailey is out. Suspect apprehended. - P. Radio-active, insomnia can create undesirable effects. - Maison de la Culture Mercier - Montréal - A.

Our newest little friend. #Sonic - Montréal - August 6, 2011 - zjemily. Late bus, fate in being on time lost. - Labrador Laurentienne - Montréal - July 21, 2011 - zjemily's. Thanks for having no trails, a perfect blue sky, at the three towers of water's rise. - September 11. Tempting Offerings... (part 1) - Coq-O-Bec - Montréal - October 10, 2011 - zjemily. Et la terrasse: See y'all later. - Terrasses Bonsecours - Montréal - July 23, 2011 - zjemily's photo. Grenouille, grenouille, au soleil, d'huiles, te débrouilles. - Parc De L'Ancienne Pepiniere - Montré.

No data connection, e-delay: Photoshooting some today. - Station Préfontaine - Montréal - July 27, 2. Waiting for me in a post Dead Island, pre Rage era. 9) - Depanneur 7 jours - Montréal - October 8, Lots of calls, but still having a hidden smile within the office's halls. - Labrador Laurentienne - Then, ten years did pass. On my end, last night's car, in shades, will too, in memory lasts. - Centr. TMIUUU: "The machine is Us-ing us." /cc style of Tracey Moffatt - August 7, 2011 - zjemily's photo.

A little hot evening in the Old Port. - Hotel de Ville de Montréal - Montréal - July 23, 2011 - zjem. Taking a seat, and having with a bus a feat. - Station Honoré-Beaugrand - Montréal - September 21, 2. Gone meet @papyknow & Daphne, good times ahead! - STM Arret/Stop #53120 - Montréal - September 27, 2. Incoming Snails, time to read some emails. #nowplaying - Boisé des Pères - Montréal - July 3, 2011. Booting... Missing Coffee drivers, would you like to install them? 'Y' - Rushour Sur La 40 Est!! - M. Requests after requests, going through like surfing on that source water. - Labrador Laurentienne - Destination: Creativity - Salle Antique - Montréal - August 15, 2011 - zjemily. And another tech call, giving me a 2nd try at tanning this skin. - Station Langelier - Montréal - Ju.

Alleyways and hieroglyphs. - Subway - Montréal - August 11, 2011 - zjemily. Temporary wait before I GTD. Sensory fate, digested anyway to free its seed. - Coiffure Donald Proul. "And it was a rai-ny night in Georgia..." #musicwhilepicturing - Station Honoré-Beaugrand - Montréal. The usually happy Col. Harland Sanders statue got in an accident and was unfortunately stabbed. 9) Chemtrails, earlier, were here. Sails to, darker scenes, parkings, screens and gear. - September 10, Sharing 0z's road made of golden mindtricks and while in this land: 1's Weekend! - STM Arret/Stop #5. "Exprimez-vous, libérez-vous, critiquez l'autorité" so says the floor of a bus station. - August 9, The mood is in the mind. Good as I went to find. - Station Langelier - Montréal - August 17, 2011 -

Where to go next, "I'm almost there!" I said. - Vieux Port - Montréal - July 23, 2011 - zjemily's ph. (NSFW) Poor baby squirrel! 8( - Varietes Tabagie - Montréal - August 5, 2011 - zjemily's photo on p. I can be added to many of you circles. Even me did it. - Metro Domaine - Montréal - August 18, 2011. Layering sounds and talks. Covered replacement for parks. - Ecole Secondaire Rosalie-Jetté - Montréa.


2010-09. 2010-08. 2010-05. Post it.