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VBScript Scripting Techniques: Environment Variables. VBScript Scripting Techniques > Data > Environment Variables There are several ways to read or write environment variables: As directly accessing the registry is both risky and usually requires a reboot for the changes to take effect, I would not recommend using it, unless all other methods fail.

VBScript Scripting Techniques: Environment Variables

WSH Shell Object. Chap03. Integrating UCD and Agile methodologies. Development budgets often have limited funding for UX practices, especially with the rising cost and limited availability on the development front.

Integrating UCD and Agile methodologies

This has led to the use of lightweight usability testing methods and the rapid movement toward agile usability engineering. In 2003, Jakob Nielson recommended that tech projects should spend around 10% of their total budget on product usability which is a major cost to take into consideration. Expect - Expect - Home Page. This page describes Expect and several other tools that can be found at this site.

Expect - Expect - Home Page

First, Expect . . . Introduction Expect is a tool for automating interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc. Expect really makes this stuff trivial. Expect is also useful for testing these same applications. Expect can make easy all sorts of tasks that are prohibitively difficult with anything else. Expect - Expect - Home Page. Io (langage) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Io (langage)

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Io. Io est un langage de programmation pur objet basé sur les prototypes et distribué sous licence BSD. Il a été créé en 2002 par Steve Dekorte. Lorsque Steve Dekorte imagina son langage, il le voulait léger, simple, multi-plateforme et facile à embarquer dans un autre programme. C'est ainsi qu'est né Io (dont le nom doit refléter sa simplicité).

Il s'inspire de différents langages tout en tirant parti de leurs qualités respectives : Io est un langage de script disposant de plusieurs extensions dans divers domaines tels que le chiffrement des données, la programmation réseau, le graphisme ou encore les bases de données. Io se décline sous trois machines virtuelles ce qui lui apporte une grande portabilité puisque celui-ci (comme tout langage interprété) peut être exécuté sous n'importe quelle architecture pour autant que la machine virtuelle soit disponible pour celle-ci.

Asynchronous I/O. Input and output (I/O) operations on a computer can be extremely slow compared to the processing of data.

Asynchronous I/O

An I/O device can incorporate mechanical devices that must physically move, such as a hard drive seeking a track to read or write; this is often orders of magnitude slower than the switching of electric current. For example, during a disk operation that takes ten milliseconds to perform, a processor that is clocked at one gigahertz could have performed ten million instruction-processing cycles. Javascript: Your New Overlord. Programmation. Erlang, partie 4 : la programmation concurrente. Programmation concurrente. L3 - ALGO. Equipe enseignante Cours: François Laroussinie (mercredi 10h30-12h30, amphi 12E) TD Groupe 1: Alberto Carraro (jeudi 14h30--16h30; 478F) TD Groupe 2: Sylvain Jacob (mardi 14h30--16h30; 473F) TD Groupe 3: Thu-Hien To (mardi 8h30--10h30; 470E) TD Groupe 4 (math-info): Pierre Aboulker (mardi 16h30--18h30; 376F) TD Groupe 5 (EIDD): Sylvain Perifel (vendredi 10h45--12h45; 056A Bât.


Condorcet) Actualités Résultats de la sesion 2 : Les notes de la session 2 sont disponibles ICI. Programme Une version du polycopié est disponible ici. Programmes Python pour les algorithmes dans les graphes Vous trouverez ici quelques programmes écrits en Python reprenant les algorithmes vus en cours. Examen et contrôle des connaissances La note d'algorithmique sera calculée à partir du contrôle continu (coef 0,35) composé d'un TD noté et d'un devoir maison, et de l'examen (coef 0,65).

Python School. Club des développeurs Python : actualités, cours, tutoriels, faq, sources, forum. XML Elements. Android Development: Do You Know Your Options? Nowadays everyone wants to be an Android developer.

Android Development: Do You Know Your Options?

Android applications can be built in many programming languages. Some users are familiar with web programming (HTML5/CSS/JS/Ruby.. ) some others are very much familiar with software programming (Java) or Game or Flash programming(AS3) etc. Today I am going to introduce you about different platforms which you can use them to develop applications for an Android. Java Programming This is one of the familiar, and preferred, ways to develop for an Android using Java. PhoneGap PhoneGap is an open source, cross platform JavaScript framework where JavaScript developers can build native applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Sencha Touch Sencha Touch is a free JavaScript mobile framework which allows you to build appliaction for touch devices. jQuery Mobile RHOMobile RHOMobile supports all Smartphones and is best suited for Ruby developers. Titanium Mobile. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. UNIX/LINUX script examples, rules. Scripting rules Scripts: commands in files A program or command is executed by typing the name, with any inputs after it.

UNIX/LINUX script examples, rules

A file with commands in it may be executed the same way, if it has execute permission (chmod u+x file or chmod 700 file.) These are called scripts. Lines in the file are run as if they were typed at the keyboard. The echo UNIX command prints all of it's inputs to the screen, with a space between them. The second echo has two inputs: "a b c" and d. To keep echo on the same line, use the -n option: Input/Parameters Inputs are "numbered" $1, $2, $3, ... . $0 is the command name. $# is the number of parameters, and is made automatically when you run a script. Programmation.