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LUIS ALI ORTIZ MARTINEZ - Outlook Web App. Puj. LUIS ALI ORTIZ MARTINEZ - Outlook Web App. Scientists say they're getting closer to Matrix-style instant learning. Fulltext. Cookiedetectresponse. Talk on Artificial Intelligence in Information Retrieval Systems Applications. AI is the current scientific and technological development in a frontier discipline in computer science, control theory, information theory, neural psychology, philosophy, linguistics and other disciplines developed on the basis of the study, is a very comprehensive a strong interdisciplinary.

Talk on Artificial Intelligence in Information Retrieval Systems Applications

In general, the artificial intelligence is a study of how to construct intelligent machines or intelligent systems, so that it can simulate, extend the expansion of human intelligence subjects. At present, the artificial intelligence research is the combination of more specific areas, the main research fields of expert systems, machine learning, pattern recognition and natural language comprehension. Since the inception of artificial intelligence technology, its research has had significant results. Artificial intelligence applied to the results of information retrieval systems - Intelligent Information Retrieval System to the field of information retrieval has brought a revolutionary change. Xiaofei He's Publications. Information Processing & Management - Artificial intelligence in information retrieval systems.