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How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Web. Update February 2011: This has been translated into Dutch: Hoe maak je een facetclassificatie en hoe plaats je haar op het web?

How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Web

Many thanks to Janette Shew and the Information Architecture Institute's Translations Initiative for doing this. Also, How to Reuse a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Semantic Web, by Bene Rodriguez-Castro, Hugh Glaser and Les Carr, takes my example of dishwashing detergents and extends it into ontologies and RDF. Update February 2007: IA Voice has used this paper as the basis for a series of four podcast episodes! It starts with IA E-Learning: Faceted Classification (1 of 4). Denton, William. This follows Putting Facets on the Web: An Annotated Bibliography, and is the second paper I wrote for Prof. 0. Faceted classifications are increasingly common on the World Wide Web, especially on commercial web sites (Adkisson 2003).

What are facets? Facets and the web go very well together. 1. 1.1 When not to make a faceted classification 2. 2.1. Faceted search: 4 design tips - The Web Usability Blog. Faceted search helps people to look for things based on criteria that are important for them.

Faceted search: 4 design tips - The Web Usability Blog

In classic web navigation, the website determines the order of the choices. But this hierarchical structure is too limited for sites with a large product range or information offering. Different people often have different criteria in searching for the same thing. When I’m looking for a holiday home, a swimming pool is essential. For you it might be that pets are allowed or that it’s no more than 10 miles from a supermarket. The best way to solve this: faceted search. In this article we’ll discuss 4 design aspects of faceted search that are crucial for good usability.

Where do you put faceted search? Left is best Big sites like Amazon, eBay and Google put faceted search on the left. Second-best: at the top You can put faceted search at the top, but it’s not as good as left. How do you indicate which filters are active? At the top of the page Less popular but also possible. You might also like: Hcir08.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Recherche à facettes. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Recherche à facettes

La recherche à facettes (ou recherche facettée, ou navigation à facettes) est une technique en recherche d'information correspondant à une méthodologie d'accès à l'information basée sur une classification à facettes. Elle donne aux utilisateurs les moyens de filtrer une collection de données en choisissant un ou plusieurs critères (les facettes). Il n'est donc pas tant question de recherche que de filtrage (une recherche brute, taxonomique, pouvant être utilisée en complément). Une classification à facettes associe à chaque donnée de l'espace de recherche un certain nombre d'axes explicites de filtrage, par exemple des mots clés issus d'une analyse texte, des métadonnées stockées dans une base de données, etc. On trouve par exemple des recherches à facettes basées sur des catégories sur de nombreux sites de e-commerce. Type de facette[modifier | modifier le code] On peut voir des facettes liées : Les principaux efforts se sont orientés vers :

DecisionTreeArticle.pdf (Objet application/pdf) User Interface Implementations of Faceted Browsing. The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Articles By Mike Padilla Published on April 29, 2008 Just as it is important to choose the proper knife when slicing-n-dicing vegetables, it is critical to prescribe a suitable user interface to support faceted filtering. Faceted filtering allows you to narrow down a large list of objects to a manageable size by applying flexible combinations of attribute filters in any order. You Know What You Want More recently, with the advent of enhanced asynchronous interactions of Ajax and Flash, you can apply filter criteria individually and see how the resulting list updates. Traditional static information architecture (IA) makes up most of the fundamental structure of the web. Along came faceted filtering to the rescue.

A few facet fundamentals to get us grounded. Filtering Sequence There are two primary methods for applying faceted filters: Rich & Complex or Basic & Simple No Such Thing as a Free Lunch.