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19 Interesting Facts About Mandarin Ducks - PetTime. The mandarin bird is not just a duck.

19 Interesting Facts About Mandarin Ducks - PetTime

It is interesting to researchers due to its unusual plumage, thanks to which the mandarin duck is often called the most beautiful of all ducks, and its way of life. Since it lives in a rather limited area, zoologists have successfully settled it in other countries, as its natural habitats are steadily decreasing under the onslaught of human civilization. 14 Interesting Facts About Sparrows - PetTime. Sparrows are ubiquitous little birds that are so familiar to most people that they are simply not noticed.

14 Interesting Facts About Sparrows - PetTime

But these birds are far from being as simple as we used to think! Therefore, we have compiled a selection of interesting facts about sparrows. Sparrows live not only in most of Eurasia – they are ubiquitous throughout Africa, as well as North America.Sparrows have successfully mastered human settlements and willingly settle next to people.The weight of an adult sparrow is only 25-35 grams, sometimes a little more.Sparrows are characterized by the manifestation of monogamy – these birds often form permanent pairs and live together all their lives.The average life span of a sparrow is about four years, although there are cases when these birds lived for more than ten years.Sparrows reproduce not once, but two or three times a year, depending on their habitat.

14 Interesting Facts About Canaries - PetTime. Yellow canaries are funny birds, playful and good-natured.

14 Interesting Facts About Canaries - PetTime

That is why they have become so popular as pets. But, having got canaries at home, one must not forget to play with them – they can hardly endure loneliness. Domestic canaries are descended from the finches that inhabit the Canary Islands and Madeira.Over the 500 years spent next to man, the canary’s vocal apparatus has changed, that is, her singing is different from the voice of the bird’s wild ancestors. This is the only animal that has undergone such changes, becoming a pet.One of the most popular varieties of canaries, the Harz roller, was bred in Germany and features surprisingly melodic singing. Breeding and selling these songbirds, as well as building cages for them, was the most popular part-time job among miners – the main boom in canary breeding occurred in the second half of the 19th century.The popular legend that miners allegedly took bred canaries underground with them as an indicator of oxygen levels is not true.

23 Interesting Facts About Parrots - PetTime. Parrots are extremely interesting birds, and it’s not just about the ability of some of them to talk.

23 Interesting Facts About Parrots - PetTime

Smart and funny, it is not for nothing that they are so popular as pets in many countries. Parrots have an excellent sense of rhythm – they can really dance rhythmically to music.About a third of all parrot species are currently endangered due to human activity and poaching.In Australia, there are special schools for parrots, where these birds are taught to talk.Many parrots love alcohol. 15 Interesting Facts About Hummingbirds - PetTime. Hummingbirds are amazing little birds.

15 Interesting Facts About Hummingbirds - PetTime

There are many types of them, but they all differ in their modest size and amazing beauty. Hummingbirds are the smallest birds on Earth. 25 Amazing Facts About Birds - PetTime. Birds surround us.

25 Amazing Facts About Birds - PetTime

There is not a single country in the world where they would not exist. We do not often think about them, because they are so familiar that the eye simply does not notice them … But in vain, because they are truly amazing creatures. Below you will find a selection of interesting facts about birds. Birds live all over the planet, on all continents. They are found even in the most inaccessible areas of Antarctica.Currently, more than ten and a half thousand different species of birds live on our planet.The smallest birds in the world are hummingbirds; some of their species weigh about 3 grams. 20 Little-Known Facts About Owls - PetTime. Owls are birds with many species, but they all share a predatory nature and nocturnal lifestyle.

20 Little-Known Facts About Owls - PetTime

They are mentioned in many legends and myths, and in general, they play an important role in various folk tales. These amazing creatures are smart and hardy nocturnal predators. The owl’s flight is completely silent thanks to its special feathers. This useful property helps owls in their night hunting.Most owls are nocturnal birds, they prefer to sleep during the day. 21 Interesting Facts About Eagles - PetTime. The eagle is a bird that in many cultures has become a symbol of courage, pride, bravery, and other positive qualities.

21 Interesting Facts About Eagles - PetTime

Yes, in nature, eagles are one of the most formidable representatives of birds, and the only creature that poses a real threat to them is a person who drives eagles out of their habitats. Nevertheless, there are still many corners on Earth where eagles are found in abundance. Eagle wingspan reaches 2.4 meters with a body length of up to 88 centimeters.Eagles soar above the ground at a speed of 190 to 240 kilometers per hour.

22 Amazing Facts About Magpies You Probably Didn't Know - PetTime. Magpies are birds to which popular rumor ascribes a passion for petty theft and idle talk.

22 Amazing Facts About Magpies You Probably Didn't Know - PetTime

A similar reputation with these birds did not arise out of the blue – magpies are really greedy for various shiny things that they indiscriminately drag their nest to. In addition, they are very sociable, and they quite like to announce their surroundings with a loud croaking, sitting on a branch. Because of this croaking and general similarity, magpies are sometimes confused with crows. 24 Surprising Facts About Peafowls - PetTime. Peafowls for their magnificent tail have become a kind of symbol of external beauty and dapperness.

24 Surprising Facts About Peafowls - PetTime

Perhaps, only the tail makes these birds stand out from many others. The tail serves male peafowls to attract mainly females – the more magnificent the tail, the more attractive the male. However, it must be admitted that thanks to this tail, peafowls are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Peafowls are considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world due to their luxurious “tail” fanning out. True, such a catchy beauty is inherent only in males.In fact, the peacocks’ tail is very small and unremarkable. 23 Interesting Facts About Pelicans - PetTime. At first glance, pelicans seem to be very unusual birds. Their huge beak looks disproportionate in relation to body size, however, it is he who helps them successfully catch fish, which forms the basis of their diet.

In many ways, pelicans are unique – they are the only ones in the world since there are no species related to them in nature. Pelicans are large birds, their body length reaches 180 centimeters, and their body weight can be up to 14 kilograms.The distant ancestors of pelicans weighing up to four tens of kilograms appeared on Earth 40-50 million years ago.The crocheted beak of the pelican grows up to 47 centimeters in length. 20 Surprising Facts About Falcons - PetTime. The falcon in the culture of many peoples is a symbol of courage and courage, and keen falcon eyes have become a real standard of keen vision. These proud birds lend themselves to domestication, but it is not easy to keep them – a proud falcon’s disposition does not tolerate weakness, and the falcon recognizes only the owner it respects. However, all the same, the element of these birds is endless heavenly spaces, and not a cage, even if it will be the size of an apartment.

Dwarf falcons are the smallest birds of prey in the world, their size does not exceed 19 centimeters in length.The scientific name for falcons Falco comes from the Latin word falx, which translates as “sickle” – this is the shape of the wings of these birds during flight.Peregrine falcon is the fastest representative of the terrestrial fauna. 19 Surprising Facts About Gyrfalcon - PetTime. Gyrfalcon is a formidable bird that has long been used in Russia as a hunting bird. A keen eye, powerful muscles, and a strong key – all this makes the gyrfalcon great predators, almost never missing the intended target.

Gyrfalcons lend themselves to taming, however, even living with a person, they still retain their independence and obey only those whose superiority over themselves they voluntarily admit. 17 Interesting Facts About Ostriches - PetTime. Ostriches are amazing and unique in many ways. Living only in rather hot countries, they are not very similar to all other birds. Once upon a time, among other things, much larger flightless birds, moreover, carnivores, existed on earth – judging by the finds of archaeologists, several tens of thousands of years ago they caused a lot of trouble for primitive people. Ostriches, fortunately, are much more peaceful creatures. In one step while running, an ostrich can overcome from three to five meters.Ostriches are the largest birds in the world.The growth of this creature can exceed two and a half meters, and the weight is one hundred and fifty kilograms.Contrary to popular stereotypes, ostriches do not hide their heads in the sand in case of danger.

11 Interesting Facts About Horses - PetTime. The horse is an animal that has perhaps the most significant role in human history. Horses have always been faithful helpers and friends for many hundreds of generations of people, and who knows where we would be now if not for them? And although technical progress has supplanted horses from many areas of their application, they do not become less amazing creatures from this. Believe it or not, the ancestors of horses were about the size of an average dog and lived in the dense forests that covered our planet fifty million years ago. The 17 Cutest Jack Russells Currently Online - PetTime. 16 Reasons Why Jack Russells are the Best Dogs Ever - PetTime. 16 Times Corgis Proved They Are The Best Dogs Ever - PetTime. 15 Reasons Why Jack Russells Make Great Friends - PetTime.

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