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Developer Career Tip... Sqlexpress's WebLog ... JrzyShr Dev Guy : .N... I can’t tell you how many times I get customers that ask me questions about migrating from .NET 1.1 to 2.0. The topic came up at Tuesday night’s N3UG meeting. It’s an important topic, and Microsoft probably doesn’t do as good of a job as they could in getting the word out about 1.1 to 2.0 migration. Hopefully the links I have included in this post will help out as a starting place for folks looking into how much work it will take to migrate from 1.1 to 2.0. The most frequently asked question that typically starts this conversation is: Question #1: “How much work will it take to move from 1.1 to 2.0 and how long will it take?” Answer: The answer is “It depends”. I usually respond by asking another question: Question #2: “Do you need to migrate at all?” Answer: If it is an application that is still “alive” and moving forward, then the answer is “Yes, you should migrate.” Question #3: What happens when you load/run a .NET 1.1 application on a machine that has both 1.1 and 2.0 installed?

NCoverExplorer... v1... Syndicated from Kiwidude's Geek Spot Another stack of new features in the latest generation of NCoverExplorer. I've added summary html/xml reporting, filtering capabilities, basic code metrics and very significantly a console version for automated build usage. Html reporting as I posted about here has been requested by a number of users, including myself! For this release I have implemented summary reports since from the feedback I received they were of most interest. From either the GUI or the the console application you can now generate one of three reports: Module Summary Namespace Summary Module and Namespace Summary As you can see from this dialog you have a choice of output either directly to html or to xml (the latter having an associated stylesheet for rendering html). An example of the module summary report is shown here. Statistics are also available within the NCoverExplorer GUI.

My thanks to Lutz Roeder for the public donation of his excellent CommandBar code. Release NotesFAQ. Generate Triggers fo... Well, I did this originally to generate triggers for all tables in a database to audit data changes, and that is simple enough, just move the entire row from the deleted table to a mirrored audit table. But someone wanted to track activity on tables, so it's a little more simple. Here we create one log table, and any time a dml operation occurs, it is written there. Enjoy USE Northwind GO CREATE TABLE LOG_TABLE (Add_dttm datetime DEFAULT (GetDate()), TABLE_NAME sysname, Activity char(6)) GO DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @TABLE_NAME sysname SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT @TABLE_NAME = MIN(TABLE_NAME) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables.

Rob Chartier ~ Conte... So VS.NET is giving you the vague error when using Subversion to version control your ASP.NET Web projects. "Refreshing the project failed. Unable to retrieve folder information from the server" Here is a good working solution, its not my solution but I felt the need to document it and to share. First off, uninstall your version of TortoiseSVN. Next, download and install the special version specific to VS.NET. "Special version for Win2k/XP: (We provide NO support for this!) And was found at: So great, you now have changed over your version of TortoiseSVN to use the _svn instead of the common .svn folders, but what about all of your local code which you may or may not have commited the changes to your repository, or plain and simple you want an easier way to update your local copy to avoid having to get it all from the repository again? Using System; "csc SVNChangeFolders.cs" then run it: Kevin Potgieter : Sq...

Lance's Whiteboard :... Tony Rogerson's ramb... Saturday, October 21, 2006 5:29 PM tonyrogerson It’s quite difficult to work out if your kit will support the load that you want to put on it. Through my consultancy years I’ve often been in the position of trying to determine whether an existing system will be capable of scaling up to more users and more data – this is a difficult task, but there are methods. In this article I suggest a method for determining the performance and ability of your hardware in servicing the write load for your system, specifically determining how many updates/inserts/deletes can be done with the performance of the transaction log being the only factor, so discounting concurrency (for the moment!). CREATE DATABASE [IOMeter] ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'IOMeter', FILENAME = N'e:\IOMeter.mdf' , SIZE = 1048576KB , FILEGROWTH = 1024KB ) ( NAME = N'IOMeter_log', FILENAME = N'g:\IOMeter_log.ldf' , SIZE = 1048576KB , FILEGROWTH = 10%) EXEC dbo.sp_dbcmptlevel @dbname=N'IOMeter', @new_cmptlevel=90 USE IOMeter rows int not null, go.

Fear and Loathing : ... Working this weekend on some new SharePoint stuff which you’ll see in a few weeks but thought I would pull together a list of tools to help people with Scrum. These are tools that help you plan iterations, keep track of your updates, and generally make life easier for the ScrumMaster or those working on Scrum projects. Not to say a plain old whiteboard with post-it notes or Microsoft Excel won’t do the trick, but these tools take you a little bit farther and help you keep track of things holistically. Some are open source, others are not so check them out if you’re looking for something extra to add to your Scrum process. Where noted, I’ve given some suggestions about using these tools where I’ve already taken a look at them for you, but please make up your own mind with your own eval if you’re serious about a product (especially one that costs $$$). ScarabJava server based artifact tracking system, highly customizable. IterateThis is an interesting tool and very simple in appearance.

Dave Lloyd's 2 Cents... Sandcastle : Integra... NAnt is an open source software tool for automating software build processes. It is based on Apache Ant and targeted at the .NET environment whereas Ant is a more generic cross-platform tool principally used by Java programmers. Brett Burch from recently emailed me the following information about integrating Sandcastle document generation process into NAnt build process. Assuming you have a tree structure as follows, adding automated generation through the September CTP of Sandcastle into your NAnt build process is very painless.

Even if you don’t have an identical structure, you can change a few lines of text and be on your way. I have included the Sandcastle icons, scripts, and styles that come with the download in my CVS tree. There are a few targets that this target requires in addition to the obvious build target. <copy overwrite=“true“> <cvs-checkout destination=“${build.dir}“ cvsroot=“${cvs.root}“ module=“${cvs.module.current}“ Sandcastle_NAnt_Cvs.PNG. Tony Rogerson's ramb... Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:01 PM tonyrogerson Ever wondered how to trace trigger execution?

It’s actually quite simple and you can get a lot of information – statements executed, reads for the statement, writes and even row counts; it just makes development and testing so much simpler (and quicker). Anyway, here’s an example:- create database TestTriggerTrace go use TestTriggerTrace create table mytest ( id int not null, somedata int null alter trigger test_trigger on mytest for insert as begin if @@rowcount = 0 return if exists ( select * from inserted where id % 2 = 1 ) update mytest set somedata = id % 2 where id in ( select id from inserted ) end -- Determine the object id for the trigger print object_id( 'test_trigger' ) -- Determine the database id print db_id() You need the object id of the trigger and the database id in order to trace those specific events otherwise you’ll get so much information to wade through – which could be your next step if you are tracking down a problem.

Filed under: SQL Server. Wang : HOWTO: ... Hmm, this is one of the more unusual questions that I have received lately… Question: how do you setup 2 along side with 1.1 in Windows 2003/IIS6? Do i need sdk or redistributable package? Answer: The Redistributable package allows you to run .Net applications. Since it sounds like you just want to run different versions of ASP.Net side by side, you just need to: ASP.Net 2.0 will automatically be set up as the default. Since you cannot load multiple versions of the CLR into the same process, you cannot run applications of different ASP.Net versions in the same Application Pool.

Create different Application Pools, one for ASP.Net 1.1 and another for ASP.Net 2.0Configure your ASP.Net application to use either Application Pool as appropriateConfigure the IIS Scriptmaps of that application to either point to ASP.Net 1.1 ISAPI or ASP.Net 2.0 ISAPI //David. Thre... A few people have been asking me how to build threading into their applications to improve the applications responsiveness and/or perceived performance. Rather then rehash what's already been well written about, here's a few articles that I suggest reading: Ted Pattison has done a series of articles on the subject for the Basic Instincts column in MSDN Magazine. Ken Getz has also written a follow-up of sorts to Ted's article series, but that article is not available via MSDN yet. If you are interested in seeing that article right now, you'd have to go pick up a copy of the March 2005 issue of MSDN Magazine.

If you don't have a subscription to this magazine, what's wrong with you? ;-) Carl Franklin has also done an example of a component that works with the designers that utilizes threading and shows how to communicate between the worker thread and the UI thread. [update] Found another example available on GotDotNet by MDolan. Steven Sinofsky's Mi... Master Page Error fr... If you are using SharePoint Designer (SPD) to create a master page file that will then be placed on the web server for use, such as with a custom site definition or custom Feature, you may run into the following error when viewing or creating a new site: Cannot convert type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.ScriptLink’ to ‘System.Web.UI.IAttributeAccessor’ This may be caused by the method you used to get your custom master page file out of the content database.

If you used the Export feature in SPD (File –> Export –> File), SPD will add in a bunch of code that only SPD knows how to properly read and process. For example, if you look at the HEAD area of your master page file in SPD, you will probably see something like: After you export the file, if you look at the code in Notepad, now the code looks like this: When the master page file is placed on the web server and used, it will generate the error listed above. Red@work : How to re... You will need: A dedicated room – a usability lab or ‘war room’ if you like A dithering of designers. Pick and mix any five or six from: Information architect Interaction designer Usability engineer User interface designer User researcher Any other title using one or more of the above terms Reams of paper, pens, pencils, crayons, glue, pipe cleaners and felt (glitter optional) A Spotify playlist with at least 500 songs, none of which shall be by Maroon 5 Step One – Review the internets Be exhaustive in your research.

Critiquing everything from the International Association of Time Travellers member’s forum through to People of Walmart. Step Two – Inspiration wall Print out the best elements then get an adult to cut them out. Step Three – Early prototyping Sketch out some designs. Step Four – User feedback Show your early prototypes to people whose profile closely matches that of your websites key personas. You: “What are you thinking?” Them: “Does that rectangle represent the webpage?” The pitfalls of GDD.... Over the years, I have sampled approaches to software development ranging from RAD, XP, Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, SOA, TDD, and have recently started looking more seriously at the BDD/DDD(D) camps. However, throughout my forays into this potpourri of acronyms and metaphors for programming, I continue to find myself falling back on the crutch of GDD – the least Agile and productive approach of all. Yes, I’m referring to none other than the ubiquitous Google-Driven Development (GDD).

Its like when I first realized how dependent upon Intellisense I had become, except now I find that GDD is far worse since it is simultaneously more subtle, insidious, and disruptive. At least Intellisense tries (yet arguably fails) to help you get things done faster, but GDD despite its popularity and benign appearance is truly the greatest time-sucking vortex in the universe. Diagnosis I implore you to perform this self-diagnostic test today to see if you too have acquired the GDD addiction: Remedy Good luck! So what's on your Sh... Customizing the Data...