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Mark Richard

Magento Developer and designer at Ziffity Solutions

Why should brands adopt Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) eCommerce? Manufacturers and distributors had clearly agreed upon rules – Manufacturers made products, distributors/retailers bought it in large volumes and sold it to end customers at a higher price.

Why should brands adopt Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) eCommerce?

But that was the case only till eCommerce technologies intervened and changed things for good. Handling end customers is no more complicated, thanks to eCommerce platforms and operational tools that have given the power for D2C brands (Manufacturers) to reach customers directly. How can D2C brands keep distributors intact and still win? The rise of D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) eCommerce is encouraging for manufacturers, but often it’s observed as the threat for distributors upon whom manufacturing brands have relied on to sell products for decades.

How can D2C brands keep distributors intact and still win?

Why is that? Let’s dive deep. Why is the D2C approach a threat for Distributors / Retailers? Cutting out the middleman is considered to be the foremost advantage of the direct-to-consumer approach among various others. Why? 5 shortcomings of IBM Websphere Commerce that are encouraging its users to migrate to other platforms. While digital shopping is on the rise due to the pandemic making every eCommerce business owner innovate further, eCommerce stores operating on IBM WebSphere doesn’t seem to be a happy lot.

5 shortcomings of IBM Websphere Commerce that are encouraging its users to migrate to other platforms.

Why? There are a few reasons that justify their dissatisfaction, but before we get there, let’s dig a piece of history for a better understanding. HCL’s acquisition of IBM WebSphere Commerce IBM WebSphere Commerce has been in the spotlight since the company announced that it is offloading its digital experience and eCommerce handles to India-based IT solution provider HCL over a billion-dollar deal in the year 2018. Why? Magento 2.4.2 - Excerpts from Release Notes. Magento 2.4.2 is out and is loaded with upgrades benefitting both eCommerce store owners and Magento partners as well.

Magento 2.4.2 - Excerpts from Release Notes

Let us look at the performance, security enhancements, platform upgrades and other improvements in Magento 2.4.2 extracted from the official release notes. Security Enhancements : Magento 2.4.2’s security enhancements include 35+ bug fixes. SEO ROI: How to Measure the ROI of SEO with Simple Formula? Measuring results is a vital step to improvement.

SEO ROI: How to Measure the ROI of SEO with Simple Formula?

Unless we focus on measuring results, it’s hard to figure out where we stand. It further helps us take control of the situation and finally bring in changes to achieve our goals. As per Search Engine Land, on average, any online business today drives more than 53% of traffic through organic search and only 15% through paid search. But, SEO isn’t free – it demands a fair amount of time and money. Also, SEO is a continuous process that makes measuring results all the more important. Ways In Which You Can Leverage Paid And Organic Search For Your eCommerce Marketing Campaigns. Numerous e-commerce businesses struggle to get their content before their intended audience.

Ways In Which You Can Leverage Paid And Organic Search For Your eCommerce Marketing Campaigns

In order to make it easy for your audience to discover you, there are two fundamental eCommerce marketing initiatives: Paid and Organic Search. Paid Search involves making advertisements that are highlighted at the top of search engine pages. The advertiser has to pay a fee whenever the ad is clicked by a viewer − basically bringing in traffic to your website. Organic SEO services entail SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, which involves streamlining your eCommerce website to boost the organic rankings and drive more traffic to your website − which is absolutely free but requires dedicating some time and efforts. It’s important to remember that one isn’t better than the other, and the choice purely relies on the business’s unique requirements, goals and time constraints.

How to choose the right agency for organic eCommerce SEO services? Search Engine Optimization is a process that evolves continuously based on changes in search engine algorithms.

How to choose the right agency for organic eCommerce SEO services?

These algorithms keep getting smarter to provide a better experience to users. Your business’ value proposition may be strong, but you also need to demonstrate this value to search engines. With over 89,000 google searches per second, ranking high on your audience’s favorite search engine is not easy. Magento 2 Page Speed Optimization - Advanced JS bundling. Exceptional eCommerce experience can differentiate your brand from the lot.

Magento 2 Page Speed Optimization - Advanced JS bundling

It all begins with how quick your eCommerce store loads. 3 seconds is what you’ve got to show them what they need. The first impression counts and probably matters the most. 5 reasons why eCommerce SEO is important. When it comes to insisting why SEO is important for eCommerce, it boils down to the question “SEO Vs Paid Marketing – Which one does eCommerce retailers value the most?”

5 reasons why eCommerce SEO is important

Here’s why. In the era where paid marketing tactics are paying instant dividends, SEO seems to have been put on the back burner by eCommerce brands. eCommerce brands are being influenced by their consumers’ instant gratification attitude and hence hesitate to focus on search engine optimization, which is comparatively a long-term waiting game. eCommerce Marketing trends 2021. eCommerce marketing has got more important than ever due to the surge in digital buying.

eCommerce Marketing trends 2021

It’s time to take a look at the eCommerce marketing trends that dictate what marketers should do to get their brand’s story heard in the competitive eCommerce space in the year 2021. Here’s a gist of the 2021 eCommerce marketing trends we are about to discuss : #1 Social platforms are a lot more than just discovery engines#2 Mobile UX is ‘the’ priority now#3 Make the long story short – Short-form videos#4 Virtual events – The new necessity now becomes a priority#5 The rising importance of user-generated content (UGC) in brand messaging #1 Social platforms are a lot more than just discovery engines Social media is no more just a discovery engine for users.

Conversational interface - The future of conversational commerce. What is ‘Conversational Interface’? Where does it fit in a chatbot and what benefits does it yield? These are some of the questions we’ll be addressing in this blog. MAGENTO COMMERCE 2.4.1 – LATEST UPGRADES YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS. How to Choose the Best Magento Ecommerce Development Services? So you want a new site, and your boss has asked you to find the best Magento eCommerce development services that fit in your budget. What’s your next step? As a Magento development company, we’re asked this question a lot. 5 factors that can help you in successful eCommerce replatforming. Considering replatforming your eCommerce site? Migrating to a platform like Magento Commerce 2 is an excellent way to enhance your site’s performance, benefit from best-in-class security, and add all of those bells and whistles you’ve longed to implement on your website. Choosing the right platform to migrate to is a huge decision and one that will have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts on your business.