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Apache JMeter - Apache JMeter™ Badboy Software Home Page. OSS Radar Scope. Online File Sharing, Send large files, Managed File Transfer, FTP Replacement, with No Email Attachments. フリー動画変換ソフト- Any Video Converterフリー版 - いろんな動画形式に変換、AVIからMPEG に、AVIからMP4に、FLVからWMVに. 31 CSS Navigation and Menu Tutorials You Should Practice. As a new CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) learner i decided to start from creating menu and navigation buttons.You know one of the most important part of a web site is the menu and navigation.Today i made a detailed search about the menu tutorials and practiced most of them.Well,you may think what about my menu system.I’m practicing and so will create a different styled menu system.Below are the 31 CSS Menu and Navigation tutorials which will help you practice and learn a lot.Some of them are created with the help of jQuery but i’ really inspired with them. 1.Create an Apple Style Menu and Improve it via jQuery Start from scratch and build such a menu in Photoshop, then create the needed HTML and CSS and last but not least improve it via jQuery. 2.How-to: DropDown CSS Menu This CSS menu will have submenus and will use the web-techniques HTML, CSS and the “whatever:hover” behavior file to make things work in Firefox and IE6+. 3.A Centered Menu With Gradient and Two Pointers 6.Sleek Pointer Menu.

31 CSS Navigation and Menu Tutorials You Should Practice

推荐35款精致的 CSS3 和 HTML5 网页模板 - 梦想天空(山边小溪) 过去的几年,网页设计和制作人员就已开始关注和使用 HTML5 了,如今 HTML5 得到了更加广泛的应用,国外已有很多基于 HTML5 制作的网站。

推荐35款精致的 CSS3 和 HTML5 网页模板 - 梦想天空(山边小溪)

所以,今天这篇文章给大家带来的是35款基于 HTML5 和 CSS3 的非常精致的网站模板,大家可以借助这些优秀网站模板制作出自己的 HTML5 网站。 这些网站模板大部分都是免费的,虽然有些要付费,但是都提供了在线演示,所以……你懂的:) 1. Software (Free) Software 是一款非常精美的基于 HTML5 和 CSS3 的企业产品网站模板,免费下载使用。 演示 下载 2. Vivid Photo是一个优雅的摄影网站模板,适合摄影师或者爱好摄影的朋友。 演示 下载 3. 特别推荐! 演示 下载 4. 另一款网站模板,使用了众多 HTML5 和 CSS3 特性。 演示 下载 5. Androidian 使用黑色和绿色两种色彩的网站模板,带有滑块功能。 演示 下载 6. Blue Band 是一款非常酷的音乐主题 HTML5 和 CSS3 网站模板。 演示 下载 7. InnoTech 是付费模板,设计简洁,高质量,提供在线预览。 演示 下载 8. 这款模板适合作为博客,好像有类似的 Wordpress 主题。 演示 下载 9. 演示 下载 10. Mega box 这个主题的网站模板适合各种商业网站。 演示 下载 11. 演示 下载 12. Coffee Cols 是一个非常有创意的杂志风格的网站模板。 The tutorial builder. The first step is to open Hacker News in your favorite browser ENTER your username and password and CLICK Login Enter the title of your article and the url and CLICK Submit. If your just submitting a topic of discussion, leave the url blank and type your topic in the text section.CLICK Next to share this with your friends.

PDF Converter — #1 Free PDF Creator — PrimoPDF. DuckLink - Design Software. DuckCapture: simple and ease-to-use screen capture tool Read More Review about DuckCapture by DuckCapture comes with four capture modes that make screen capture easy!

DuckLink - Design Software

Capture a window on your screen, region of your screen, or the contents of a tall web page that scrolls. You can easily edit, and share a screenshot. Don’t waste time cropping your captures. 4 Capture Modes: Window, Region, Scrolling and Full Screen Add Annotations on Screenshot DuckCapture provides rich editing tools to add more captured areas or add informative annotation on screen shot. Add Captured Areas Once you have selected one area and entered into the editing mode, you can use the “Add” tool to combine more screen areas in one image, organize them by moving blocks, or adjust the selected area by grip editing.

Draw Annotations DuckCapture provided tools to draw simple basic graphics, including text, on captured screenshots. Save and Share.