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Interactive fiction

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Betterblog | Failbetter Games' pile of scribbled napkins. Echo Bazaar! Baf's Guide to the Interactive Fiction Archive. Fabled Lands. Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling | Essays and reviews on narrative in games and new media. Inkle » blog | interactive literature. It's finally ready, and looking more beautiful than ever: the first part of Steve Jackson's Sorcery! Will be hitting the Google Play and Amazon App stores on the March 12th. Prepare to journey through the Shamutanti Hills, face deadly foes, and explore hundreds of different branches, areas, with thousands of choices, all of which are remembered. You can save as many different play-throughs as you want, ready to pick them up in Part 2 - which is over four times as long, and adds a host of new features.

Originally released for iOS last May, Sorcery! Has been described as "the gold-standard for interactive fiction" by Pocket Gamer, "taking the genre of interactive fiction to a whole new level" by Kotaku and "some of 2013's best interactive storytelling" by IGN. Sorcery! Featured in Game of the Year lists for Mashable, TouchArcade and Gamezebo. A long time coming So - we promised this at least six months ago. It also means Sorcery! Actually - it's not quite a copy. What news on Part 3?