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HeathenNews : Message: Folkism vs. Universalism. Here's something I posted recently to the Troth members' list, and had written previously for a debate that was raging on another list about Folkism vs.

HeathenNews : Message: Folkism vs. Universalism

Universalism. I had decided that the very terminology we were using was simply flawed and carried all the wrong baggage, and it was my opinion that continuing to use those labels, at least in that particular argument, was dooming it to be nothing more than a useless fight, incapable of anything positive. I've seen the Jarnsaxa scale, and I think it's a good start, but not detailed and nuanced enough. Without getting *too* specific, as everyone will have subtle variations (most people, I find, still tend to say they are borderline between one letter and the next), this new scale, I think, works pretty well. Jordsvin saw it on the Troth list, and asked if I would post it here Universalism vs. HBDP « A Heathen Blog – Expanding Inward. An East Texas Kindred. Midwest Tribes and Midwest Thing. Esotericism. Forums - The Journal of Contemporary Heathen Thought.


The Wild Hunt » Asatru and the Alternative Right. Asatru : Asatru Heathen. The Asatru / Heathen list is open to those who walk the Northern folkway, who honor the old gods, their ancestors, and seek to take part in the re-awakening of Heathenry today.

Asatru : Asatru Heathen

As a grithstead, all points of view are welcome: Folkish, Tribal, Universalist, etc. So feel free to ask questions. To better understand how each of us interprets this folkway, honest questions are appreciated, character attacks are not allowed. Asatru / Heathen list guidelines: -No flaming, no derogatory comments. -Posting personal problems to the list is not appropriate. -Do not bring arguments from other mailing lists to this one. -Discussing race is acceptable when it does not promote hate. -List topics are on living Asatru Heathen life daily – talk about your thoughts, words and deeds! -Asatru folk are a diverse lot, so strong opinions and disagreements occasionally occur. Mer Jul i Gävle - THE CHRISTMAS GOAT.

Heathen Weddings

Theologies of Immanence / Heathenry. Heathenry, like all ancient European pagan religions, is polytheistic.

Theologies of Immanence / Heathenry

Heathens recognise numerous sentient entities, generally referred to as 'wights'. In addition to humans, these include major gods, local gods, ancestral spirits, and various sorts of beings familiar from Germanic folklore (elves, brownies, trolls, etc.). Heathens regard all these entities as real parts of the natural world, distinct individuals capable of independent thought and action, just as humans themselves are. Heathen Blogs. Asatru. Lightning Across the Plains 2010. We're working on getting the full website and registration up-and-running for.

Lightning Across the Plains 2010

Asatru Social Network Ltd - Join now for free and connect to mem. Asyniur: Heathen Goddess Lore. Prose Edda, Gylfaginning: Ninth is Var: She listens to people’s oaths and private agreements that women and men make between each other.

Asyniur: Heathen Goddess Lore

Thus these contracts are called varar. She also punishes those who break them. Poetic Edda, Thrymskvida:Then said Thrym, lord of ogres:“Bring in the hammer to sanctify the bride,Lay Mjollnir on the girl’s lap,Consecrate us together by the hand of Var!” Paxson: Var witnesses oaths and private contracts, called “varer,” especially between men and women, and punishes those who break them. She guides the integrity of the spirit. Krasskova: Her name means vow or pledge. Britt-Mari Nasstrom: Guardian specifically of the matrimonial oath. One of the “unknown” Goddesses—an aspect of Frigg or Freyja?

Oaths were traditionally pledged at Yule. Heathen Life Audit (Inspired by an exercise in Galina Krasskova's EXPLORING THE NORTHERN TRADITION)(If you're reading this, tamyris, thanks for writing such a wonderful book!)