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Touch designer » ZEAL. For the past few weeks I’ve been working with Gian Slater and her choir Invenio to produce a new audio-visual work called Luminesce.

touch designer » ZEAL

The concept for the show is an extension of my Concerto for Light Sculpture piece, seven singers are arranged in a line and are projected onto. Each singers voice controls what exactly is projected on to them and Gian has arranged the music in such a way as to create emergent patterns of light across the singers. The show’s debuting next week at The Guild Theater, Melbourne. If you’re a Melbournite and like pretty music, shiny lights and/or technical technology you really should come! Book tickets here Facebook event is here For the nerds who like to know what’s happening under the hood, read on. The overall architecture for the show is something like this: each of the singers has a microphone that’s fed into a macbook running Ableton. Luminesce is the first project I’ve used Touch for and coming from Max/MSP I’ve found it super easy to pick up. Leap Motion. Comparison between vvvv, Touch Designer and alternatives.

Hey Srev, I understand if you were hoping for more replies here.

Comparison between vvvv, Touch Designer and alternatives

I would hazard a guess and say that maybe there are not that many folks on here who also use touch. Sometimes no answer is better then uninformed answers :) That said every single time I've ever been stuck with something vvvv related I've always been impressed with how much help I did get here. I had a look on the touch thread: Achim said A big plus for touch is the animation department and the possibility to create advanced GUIs for the final application and also for the internal tools you will create over the years. Much the same in vvvv really. Another one is the possibility for support of other platforms, as touch uses OpenGL, so one day we might see an OSX or Linux version, who knows.

Vvvv is about to move to directX11, which is pretty exciting, but there is also OpenGL stuff in development by Elliott Woods I think A very big difference is support for video playback, which is so much better in touch. Google "Chrome Racer Installation" in TouchDesigner. First Things to Know about TouchDesigner - TouchDesigner 077 Wiki. From TouchDesigner 088 Wiki What's New Read a summary of what's new with Derivative and TouchDesigner.

First Things to Know about TouchDesigner - TouchDesigner 077 Wiki

TouchDesigner 088 is now available! DOWNLOAD 088 Python is the default scripting language in TouchDesigner. A 64-bit version is available as a separate installer on the download page. Getting Started Here are a number of Getting Started Tips to help you install TouchDesigner 088 and get it keyed and running. Tutorials Tutorials - All TouchDesigner tutorials can be found here, including the full gallery of video tutorials. Documentation Browse the Wiki Categories. Learning TouchDesigner - TouchDesigner 088 Wiki. From TouchDesigner 088 Wiki Getting Started Here are a number of Getting Started Tips to help you install TouchDesigner 088 and get it keyed and running.

Learning TouchDesigner - TouchDesigner 088 Wiki

For a quick primer, watch the three videos in First Things to Know about TouchDesigner. Move on to the other Tutorials available. Tutorials Tutorials - All TouchDesigner tutorials can be found here, including the full gallery of video tutorials. Documentation. Accès refusé. Atelier de 9 heures présenté en 3 parties (les jeudis 24 avril, 1 et 8 mai) destiné à l'exploration de TouchDesigner, un logiciel de création de contenus visuels en temps réel et interactifs.

Accès refusé

TouchDesigner est un outil performant utilisé pour de la projection architectural, des installations interactives, des créations visuelles réactives au son, du prototypage et de la création d'environnements virtuels. Objectifs & contenu de cours S'initier à la réalisation d'un projet avec TouchDesigner;Savoir utiliser la famille des opérateurs;S'introduire au network et ses composants;Utiliser les opérations entre les opérateurs; Communiquer avec d'autres logiciels et hardware; Utiliser la vidéo, les images et la géométrie 3D;Intégrer les notions en créant une horloge générative. Matériel requis Les participants doivent apporter leur ordinateur portable sur Windows avec le logiciel TouchDesigner FTE avec une carte graphique compatible. Infos pratiques Durée : 9 heuresDates : Animateur : Mathieu Le Sourd.