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Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Green Slime music video. This is sand. Pogo: Alice. Pogo: Expialidocious. Video. Video. StumbleUpon Video. Coolest army! Military Five-Star generals going nuts! George Dawe was an English portrait artist who painted 329 portraits of Russian generals active during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia for the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Replace Face is an awesome Tumblr, he uses digital copies of these paintings as a basis for his own work which involves incorporating his friends, family and even some celebrities into the paintings using photoshop.

“One thing I’ve always wanted to try (I have a list) is to incorporate someone into a painting, mimicking the painterly brush strokes and making everything fit and work nicely and look natural and stuff. There’s an art to head swapping, I’ve seen so many awful attempts. The most important things to consider are anatomy, perspective and lighting. If you can get those things right, you’re more than halfway there. Yes Sir, No Sir! Like this: Like Loading... View Images: Weird Science.