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The GNU Image Manipulation Program. Handy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop | How-To | Smashing. Layer Effects. This is a series of scripts that implement various layer effects: Drop ShadowInner ShadowOuter GlowInner GlowBevel and EmbossSatinColor OverlayGradient OverlayPattern OverlayStroke Some effects can have contours (a.k.a. curves) and noise added to them. Effects can either be applied on a separate layer, or be merged into the active layer (which in some cases gives better results). Tested with GIMP 2.4.2. Updated 4/12/2012: New Python version now makes use of layer groups.

Updated 6/9/2009: Stroke now supports gradients and patterns! Updated 11/15/2008: The Python version now has live previewing! Updated 09/02/2008: Bugfix in Script-Fu version. Updated 07/19/2008: You can now scale patterns in pattern overlays. Updated 07/08/2008: This script has now been rewritten as a Python plugin! You can now preview effects!

Updated 04/21/2008: Bugfix Updated 03/02/2008: Added grayscale supportBugfixes How to install (Script-Fu version): Right-click on the link below that says "layerfx.scm".