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Home Safety Tips for Your Elderly. Falls are the most common causes of injury among the elderly, but it is also the most overlooked.

Home Safety Tips for Your Elderly

Changes in Sleep Habits Among the Elderly. Our sleep patterns change as we age.

Changes in Sleep Habits Among the Elderly

This means that seniors spend less time in deep sleep compared to younger individuals. This makes their bodies feel like they did not get enough of it. They also tend to wake up a couple of times in the night, which doesn’t make mornings any better. Traveling in Your Golden Years. Traveling when you’re in your golden years can be tough, and it’s especially harder to find senior-friendly tourist locations.

Traveling in Your Golden Years

Zena Home Care, a provider of home care in Augusta, Georgia, presents you some senior-friendly tourist spots to have a fun and safe trip filled with happy new memories: Charleston, SCOrlando, FLKey West, FLNaples, FLBoulder, CO Receiving high-quality senior care in Georgia is good for the elderly, but they need to travel and see the world too. Traveling can be challenging for seniors because they have different needs. So here are some tips so you and your beloved elderly can have a safe and easy travel experience: Sweet Dreams: Sleep Tips for the Elderly. As we get older, our sleep patterns change.

Sweet Dreams: Sleep Tips for the Elderly

We get tired faster and sleep a lot earlier. Being unable to sleep is not a normal part of the aging process and can seriously harm the elderly. Here are some tips to help improve your loved one’s sleep habits: Boost their melatonin levels by using low-wattage bulbs and not using gadgets before bed.Don’t read from any backlit devices, such as tablets, at night.Move their bedroom clock out of view to prevent them from anxiously watching minutes pass by.Make sure their room is cool, dim, and quiet.Don’t bring work into their bedroom, keep it strictly for sleep and other nighttime activities. Home Care vs. Personal Care Home: An Overview. Making the choice of moving your loved one into some type of senior housing or allowing them to stay in their home is not an easy decision to make.

Home Care vs. Personal Care Home: An Overview

This is particularly true if your objective is to ensure that your loved ones are able to attain dignified health services. Before deciding on any arrangements, consider how our institution that provides home health in Georgia approaches matters concerning senior health. Traveling with Your Elderly Parents? Are you set to travel with your elderly parents?

Traveling with Your Elderly Parents?

There’s no need to worry. There are several ways you can make the trip a successful one! Tips on Convincing Elderly Relatives to Stop Driving. A lot of people spend the greater part of their lives behind the wheel as they run errands for their beloved family members or simply relieve stress by traveling long distances.

Tips on Convincing Elderly Relatives to Stop Driving

Given this, it can be a challenge to try to convince your loved ones who are receiving senior care in Georgia that it’s time to give up driving. Walking into a conversation about the possibility of them surrendering their drivers’ license may, more often than not, lead to them getting defensive instead. Concerned About Your Seniors’ Sleeping Habits?

For a good number of individuals, it is a common belief that geriatrics require less sleep as they get older.

Concerned About Your Seniors’ Sleeping Habits?

But as various researches have already revealed, the elderly, just like their younger counterparts, need just as much amount and quality of sleep. Not only does a good night’s rest contribute to their body’s ability to stay physically healthy; it is particularly critical in improving their concentration and memory formation skills, as well as in refreshing their immune system. In turn, this helps them avoid the onset of diseases and other health risks that might negatively impact the quality of their home health in Georgia.

Healthy Eating Habits for Older Adults. Nutrition can be a challenge for the elderly since individuals’ nutritional needs vary as they get older.

Healthy Eating Habits for Older Adults

Hence, it is recommended for your loved ones receiving senior care in Georgia, to eat a variety of foods from all food groups to help supply them with the nutrients that their bodies need. If your loved ones are concerned about a healthy eating plan being so complicated, it actually does not have to be. In fact, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shared some recommendations for eating right, straight from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. As it is our goal at Zena Home Care to accommodate the health conditions of our adult and veteran clients, we are also sharing these suggestions with you.

Read on to know what these might be. Nutrition experts advise geriatrics to incorporate more fruits and veggies into their diet. Fun Activities That Boost Aging Loved Ones’ Lifestyles. Phrases like “eat well, work out well, live well” are uttered so frequently nowadays that they sometimes become mundane as they tend to lose their meaning.

Fun Activities That Boost Aging Loved Ones’ Lifestyles

As your parents age, however, the level of mental, physical, and social activities that they engage in can dramatically influence the quality of home health in Georgia that they receive. Consequently, we are not exaggerating when we say that it is crucial for you to allow your senior family members to participate in an array of enriching activities. Beyond the occasional bingo, our team at Zena Home Care has suggests a few fun pursuits that can help enhance the lifestyle of the older adults in your lives. First, classes and workshops. Whether it’s a book club, sign language class, computer class, foreign language class, or a writing workshop, these study groups and discussion groups give geriatrics opportunities to continuously stimulate their brains and keep their minds sharp.

Senior Care Insights: Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors. With the chronic degenerative diseases they’re probably experiencing, seniors need to follow a diet plan that can help them cope with their health conditions and promote their overall wellness. If you like to prepare your loved ones’ meals, these are the tips to bear in mind: Be sure that they’re well-hydrated. Water surely tastes plain and boring, so keep a variety of fresh fruits and veggies at home, and serve these as shakes or juices. These are perfect refreshments your beloved seniors will love, especially during the summer season.Reduce their intake or usage of table salt and sugar.

Salt can trigger high blood pressure, and sugar can increase the risk of diabetes. Do you think you don’t have the skills and experience to do this task? How to Help Seniors Develop Good Sleeping Habits. Seniors need adequate sleep to help them cope with their health conditions. But if you’ve noticed them having trouble sleeping, be sure to address this need immediately.

To help you get started, consider these tips: Avoid late afternoon naps. Yes, it’s good for them to take midday naps. But help them avoid taking naps too late in the afternoon. Sleep plays a huge part in a person’s overall health, especially for seniors. Home Health vs. Home Care vs. Hospice Care. According to the National Association for Home Care and Hospice, about twelve million people in the American population require some form of home care. In spite of this, not many people are aware of the different healthcare resources available to them or their ailing loved ones. So, to help you and your family members achieve top-rate home health in Georgia, we are sharing with you a few general points of comparison between home health care, home care, and hospice care. The three forms of care mentioned above are actually distinct types of care provided in individuals’ homes. The key difference lies in the care focus.

Dementia Care Varies as the Disease Progresses. Caregiver Burnout: Its Signs and Symptoms. While caregiving can be a rewarding experience, it can also be demanding and overwhelming. In fact, several studies have already discovered that providing loved ones with long-term care to help them achieve home health in Georgia can also bring some stress with it. If left unchecked, it can eventually lead to caregiver burnout. Because of this, it is highly recommended that caregivers take good care of themselves as well.

According to WebMD, caregiver burnout refers to the state of being emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted as a result of the prolonged and immense stress of caregiving. Because caregiving is oftentimes a long-term responsibility, it generates levels of stress which can be particularly damaging. Keeping Your Children Safe This Allergy Season. Did you know that at least one in every ten children suffers from allergies in the United States? And with spring and warm weather on their way, we at Zena Home Care understand that it can be a struggle to keep the sneezing and congestion symptoms under control. Why Should You Consider Newborn Care?

Why Home Care Is a More Practical Choice. Signs That Your Aging Parents Need Home Care Assistance. Sometimes, it may feel like age snuck up on all of us. Your aging parents may have seemed fine the last time you and the rest of the family visited them. Protect Your Children Against Influenza. If you didn’t know it yet, then let us at Zena Home Care tell you that children below the age of two are at high risk of contracting serious complications from the influenza (flu) virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated that around 7,000 to 26,000 children below the age of five have been hospitalized in the United States due to the flu, while many more had to visit an emergency room or urgent care center because of it. Tips for Managing Incontinence in the Winter. The arrival of the winter months can pose complications to the daily routines of older adults with incontinence problems. However, if your loved ones are one of them, they need not worry. The changing season should not stop them from enjoying any upcoming holiday activities this winter. How Can You Keep Your Elderly Loved Ones Safe This Winter Season? The winter months can pose a challenge to anyone, but they especially make it a struggle for seniors. Cold temperatures and ice, not to mention the slippery sidewalks, can cause a variety of injuries. Things to Be Grateful for This Thanksgiving. It seems like it was only yesterday that we were gleefully spending the summer vacation and having an outdoor hike as we enjoyed the golden leaves falling during the fall season.

Long weeks and days seemed to stretch before us almost without end. Stroke - An Overview. Stroke is an illness that occurs when there is an interruption or reduction of blood supply to your brain. According to the American Heart Association, it is the fifth leading cause of death and a major cause of disability in the United States.

Given that around 800,000 people suffer from a stroke each year, and someone dies of a stroke every four minutes, it can be quite frightening. Prompt treatment is crucial if your loved one is suffering from a stroke because their brain cells can begin to die in mere minutes. Respite Care: Giving an Emotional and Physical Time Out for Caregivers. Caring for an ailing or aging family member can take a toll on you mentally, emotionally, and physically.