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Djsabefantastic. End Evil Politics: Firearm Statistics and Gun Control. International Gun Statistics Gun control is an important issue which people tend to feel very strongly about. Gun supporters have emailed me and I´ve read abuse on pro-gun forums because of this page. Most of the detractors are ignorant and instead of making anything approaching an actual argument they just curse and rant, usually with no awareness of grammar or spelling.

Occasionally someone has an actual argument with you, they try to defend their point of view and this can lead to an interesting debate. Below I´ve laid out some classic anti-gun arguments and pro-gun arguments and answered them. Feel free to send your own thoughts on this subject and I´ll add interesting ones to this page. If you can´t think of a coherent argument then at least try and make sure your ignorant abuse is witty. Before you read the points below I have to explain a few things. By the way this section focuses on private gun ownership but the arms we produce for export are causing a lot more trouble.


GUNS - Myths, Facts and Statistics. If you need 300 guns to shoot a deer, may be hunting is not your sport. "If guns were the answer to the threat of violent crime, we’d sell them at police headquarters. "Neil Behrens, former Chief, Baltimore County, MD Police Department Liberalism Resurgent Myth :Gun ownership is not the cause of America's high murder rate. Fact : Gun availability is highly correlated with murder.Sensible, Federal Gun control laws make the murder rate fall.

Summary Murder can be broken down into three components? A society's aggregate desire to commit murder depends on social factors, but its ability and feasibility to commit murder are heightened by widespread gun availability. indeed, most studies find a clear correlation between the murder rate and gun ownership, especially handgun ownership. Most gun owners claim they buy guns for protection, but it appears that the problem (murder) and the solution (gun deterrence) are one and the same : This essay is divided into three parts : Desire Albility Feasibility.

P1160670. How To Set Up A WebCam. For this option, you will need to obtain a webcam software program. A few webcams come with free webcam software. My cameras now use TinCam which costs $19.00 US. Check my webcam software page for a few options, or search the web for Webcam Software. Prices can run from free or just a few dollars to very expensive, depending on brand, version and how you plan to use the software. Step 2 Option 3 In house server Some webcam programs, including TinCam, come with a built-in web server. Huh? I said this could get complicated. When you point your web browser to a web site, such as, you are actually connecting to a specific computer somewhere that has a unique IP (Internet Protocol) address. Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP address assigned to it. I don't want to confuse the issue here, but it is important to know that there are "external" and "internal" IP addresses. This is your current "external" IP address Ports are another thing.

Comcast. Camera Hacker: Setting Up a Remote Web Cam. Wiki Attach | Edit | Revisions Related Content My wife and I just had a newborn. On the other hand, there are many home nursing centers in large, Asian-populated U.S. cities. My wife checked into one of these nursing homes soon after giving birth. Comments & Discussion >> Purpose In this article, I will explain how to set up a remote web cam on a Windows XP computer with a basic web cam. It you are familiar with Linux, you can substitute a Linux computer. Concept The idea is to have the remote web cam computer capture and transmit images over the WiFi link to a web server. The web server can be one you set up at home or at a web hosting service. Imaging Device You can use any imaging device that your operating system recognizes. Software Fwink is a free, open source web cam software for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP.

Its only shortcome is that it only supports the FTP for network transfer. So far, Fwink and Windows XP has ran continuously for about a week or so without crashing. Group conversations around images, documents, and videos. Locked-Out.jpg (JPEG Image, 630x241 pixels) Lesson579.jpg (JPEG Image, 670x515 pixels)