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Zen PD

Zenub Khan Professional Development & Education Services (ZEN PD) is a KHDA approved company renowned for offering top-notch training services on business & education. All the courses are suitable for the new-age corporate partners & schools.

Discover Why Zen PD’s Online Academic Toolkit is Highly Useful - ZenPD. Students come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and have a wide range of needs related to their academic success.

Discover Why Zen PD’s Online Academic Toolkit is Highly Useful - ZenPD

In order to meet students’ individual needs, from educational institutes to teaching staff, everyone should update themselves with the latest teaching strategies. As a teacher there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Making yourself prepared to deliver the best to your students, online academic toolkits could be highly useful. However, you need to be selective while buying academic toolkit online. Do keep in mind that not every academic toolkit gives you the desired result. The academic toolkit provided by the Zen Professional Development is one of the finest educational resources that schools and teaching staffs all across the globe follow diligently.

Zen Professional Development — Respond Timely to Child Abuse with Online Child... Understanding the Real Value of E-Learning Courses for Teachers - ZenPD. The e-learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources.

Understanding the Real Value of E-Learning Courses for Teachers - ZenPD

Technology is the foundation, backbone, and catalyst of e-learning all in one. Although e-learning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through a wide variety of electronic ways such as virtual classrooms, web-based learning, computer-based learning, digital collaboration, video and audio recordings, interactive apps and smartphones. Mobile devices are now a popular choice to access eLearning, both for businesses and general education. Why Data Analysis Training is Essential for Modern-Day Teachers – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education. Comprehensive data training teaches you to make better decisions, find critical insights and use today’s data tools to maximize the value of available information.

Why Data Analysis Training is Essential for Modern-Day Teachers – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education

You must have come across the term Data Analytics and even heard about Data Analytics training that is being offered by training institutes. Data analysis training for professionals address methods for managing and analyzing large datasets. An advanced data analysis training for professionals will greatly help you fill the skill gap and accelerates your career.

The knowledge and expertise of the skills is an added advantage. Zen Professional Development — Quickly Move Up the Career Ladder with Right... 4 Proven ways to Upgrade your Teaching Skills via Teachers Training Courses - ZenPD. Improving your skills as a teacher takes effort.

4 Proven ways to Upgrade your Teaching Skills via Teachers Training Courses - ZenPD

Seasoned teachers are often brilliant classroom managers and communicators who can adapt to a wide range of teaching styles. The skills needed to be a great teacher have now changed; modern teachers need to be competent in many new skill sets that were unknown to their predecessors. According to the professionals of the teachers training courses in UAE, enhancing your teaching technique can be obtained by putting together a plan of action and following it properly. We’ve pulled together the definitive list of everything you must know to upgrade your teaching skills.

Zen Professional Development: Take Teaching Skills to a Higher Level with Certified TT Courses in Dubai. Teaching is a rewarding profession.

Zen Professional Development: Take Teaching Skills to a Higher Level with Certified TT Courses in Dubai

It provides one with an opportunity to develop and educate a generation and thus helps in the process of nation building. Teaching is not only seen as a profession but also a passion. Why it is Beneficial to Invest in Customer Service Training in Dubai – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education. Giving great service to customers builds loyalty.

Why it is Beneficial to Invest in Customer Service Training in Dubai – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education

Every organizational leader wants their teams to provide great customer experiences. Fasttrack your Career with the Business Development Courses of ZenPD – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education. In emerging economies, entrepreneurship will play a pivotal part in solving complex business-related problems.

Fasttrack your Career with the Business Development Courses of ZenPD – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education

As the global business environment becomes increasingly challenging, the need for quality business development education has risen. There are so many aspects of business development that you need to cover. So it’s no surprise that enrolling in a value-driven business development course will help you a lot in your entrepreneurial journey. What is Business Development? Tumblr. Expo 2020 Dubai, an Extravaganza of Invention & Innovation - ZenPD. 0 comment Expo 2020 Dubai at a Glance With Expo 2020 Dubai, Dubai will go a step further in inspiring the next generation to spark innovations that will underline the next 50 years of human progress.

Expo 2020 Dubai, an Extravaganza of Invention & Innovation - ZenPD

The event will be a six-month celebration of creativity, innovation, humanity and world cultures. People from different corners of the globe (192 countries have confirmed their participation) get the chance to be a part of an invention and innovation extravaganza. Each participating country will have its own pavilion, while there will also be a pavilion for each of the main themes – sustainability, mobility and opportunity.

What can visitors expect? Running from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021 and coinciding with the UAE’s 50th anniversary later that year, those visitors will be looked after by an army of 30,000 volunteers. Zen Professional Development — Why Taking Up Teaching Assistant Training could... Why it is Important to Have Child Protection and Safeguarding Training in UAE. Nothing is more important than children’s welfare.

Why it is Important to Have Child Protection and Safeguarding Training in UAE

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) includes the requirement that children live in a safe environment, be protected from harm and have access to the highest attainable standard of health. Safeguarding is what we do to prevent harm, while child protection is the way in which we respond to harm. Closely related, child protection is the process of working to help children who have already experienced harm in the form of violence, abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

ZenPD Child Protection and Safeguarding Training in Jeddah - ZenPD. The Awards in Safeguarding Children and Young People and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults qualifications enable Candidates working in, or preparing to work in a setting where they have a duty of care to children and young people or vulnerable adults.

ZenPD Child Protection and Safeguarding Training in Jeddah - ZenPD

The qualification covers current legislation relevant to the safeguarding of children and young people and explores how to recognize and respond to critical incidents, including illness, injury, security events and emergency situations. Child Protection and Safeguarding training in Saudi Arabia– Globalization has a significant influence on the educational system of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi government has taken significant steps in modernizing country’s education system over the last couple of years. The Saudi government has launched several education-reform efforts. The government is allowing prominent educationists, trainers and intellectuals to provide training to the next-gen Saudi people. Importance of Classroom Based Training for Teaching Permit in Dubai – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education.

A well-qualified teacher and high-quality teaching can close the achievement gap in a student’s life. Only a properly trained teacher is capable of bringing the best out of his/her students. Teacher training courses in Dubai are tailored-made for aspiring teachers who are planning to step into the world of early childhood education.

The Value of Classroom Based Training in Dubai for Teachers– Although technology-based training is becoming increasingly popular, training experts agree that it will never completely replace classroom training. How NPQSL Enhances your Professional Portfolio as a Leader - ZenPD. 0 comment Leadership is a key driver in the establishment of high standards of teaching to ensure teachers have a positive impact on pupil outcomes. The National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership (NPQSL) is an exciting and rewarding qualification for Senior Leaders with cross school responsibility. The NPQSL qualification is designed by the expert educationists with a strong focus on the personal development, inclusion and improving outcomes for the middle leaders who are aspiring to senior leadership.

Preparing to be a School Governor. ZEN PD Introduces UK-Standard Professional Training in Dubai - ZenPD. Professional development is about life-long learning and growing process for teachers. Through the seminars, lectures and PD courses, an individual gets the chance to refine and streamline his/her skills as a teacher. By taking PD courses, career-minded people can keep themselves updated and contribute more effectively at their jobs. Zen Professional Development: Want to Fast-Track your Teaching Career? Come to Dubai for PD Courses. Professional development training for teachers allows teachers to acquire new skills and strive toward excellence. Whether in schools, higher education, consultancy or edu-business, PD courses for teachers in Dubai are ideal for honing their teaching technique.

After the completion of the training program, teachers can confidently take up any supervisory position in any academic institution. Over the past few years, Dubai has strengthened its position as the finest destination for higher education, teaching and teaching-related training. If you are a teacher willing to undertake PD training courses, you should give serious thinking about Dubai. In this blog, we are focusing on some of the key points for pursuing PD training courses in the capital city of UAE. Why Aspiring Leaders Should Pursue NPQSL Qualification in Dubai – Zen PD – Professional Learning for Business and Education. Leadership development has been shown to make a bigger impact on an organization’s success. Effective leadership development programs develop a deeper, richer pipeline of talent.

That is the main reason National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership is getting so popular in Dubai. NPQSL is one of the finest qualifications for current or aspiring senior leaders. NPQSL is ideal for the following people– Senior leaders with cross-school responsibilitiesExperienced middle leaderDeputy headAdvanced skills teacherSenior member of staff Over the years, Dubai has become one of the prime destinations for getting top-notch NPQSL training. With the other high-end professional courses in Dubai, NPQSL qualification, is getting immensely valuable day by day. The Importance of succession planning and how to do it! - ZenPD. 0 comment Education 1st Recruitment Ltd. does not only provide high quality candidates for your schools staffing structure, but also, through Zenub Khan Professional Development and Education Services, supports your team on all professional development requirements and needs.

The School Development Plan ensures that the school continues to improve in all areas; from the delivery of the curriculum to ensuring the premises are maintained and compliant with the region’s health and safety legislation. Safer recruitment – ensuring the right questions are asked - ZenPD. 0 comment By Zen Kahn. The Importance of Professional Development for educators – How it benefits all stakeholders - ZenPD. 0 comment. Zen Professional Development — Be a Future-Ready Teacher With the Right...

Zen Professional Development: De-Coding the Concept of Corporate Training in Dubai. Organizational culture in Dubai and all across the world is evolving rapidly. This evolvement in corporate culture is essential for the long-term survival and success of an organization. In order to maintain the momentum of change, companies expect their employees to be perfectly able to respond to the demands of the 21st-century work culture. It is only a professionally trained individual who can thrive, survive and perform in this challenging corporate world. The Impact of PD Training on 21st-Century Teachers - ZenPD.