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Izi / django-admin-tools / wiki / Home – Bitbucket. Django-admin-tools is a collection of extensions/tools for the default django administration interface, it includes: a full featured and customizable dashboard; a customizable menu bar; tools to make admin theming easier. Please join the mailing list if you want to discuss of the future of django-admin-tools. If you find django-admin-tools useful, please consider giving a donation via paypal or just tip me if you're using Gittip, any contribution will be greatly appreciated.

List of people who already donated to the project Installation To install django-admin-tools, run the following command inside this directory: python install If you have the Python easy_install utility available, you can also type the following to download and install in one step: easy_install django-admin-tools Or if you're using pip: pip install django-admin-tools An installation guide is available in the documentation. Documentation Translations Screenshots The django admin login screen The admin index dashboard. Package Index : django-inplaceedit 0.55. Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database Latest Version: 1.3.0 Installation In your INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.admin', #.....................# 'inplaceeditform', ) Basic usage {% inplace_edit "OBJ.FIELD_NAME" %} {% inplace_edit "OBJ.FIELD_NAME|FILTER1|FILTER2|...

Examples Advanced usage Inplaceedit has some optionals parameters that the templatetag can receive to change its behavior: auto_height: Adapt the height's widget to the tag container.auto_width: Adapt the width's widget to the tag container.class_inplace: Add a class to edit inline form.tag_name_cover: The value is covered for a span. Examples Adaptor API You can create a adaptor to work with inplace edit form, the behavior is fully customizable. First step In your settings: In app_name.fields.MyAdaptor: Python API classes: Classes of tag cover. JavaScript API. Overview — langacore.kit.django 0.3.0 documentation. For now the library is still tiny.

Functionality gets added or refined as needed. To see what’s already available, let’s do a quick tour over each feature group. Choices objects This is a much clearer way to specify choices for fields in models and forms. A basic example: You define a class of choices, specifying each choice as a class attribute. An object created from the choices class is basically a list of (id,localized_description) pairs straight for consumption by Django.Each attribute defined can be retrieved directly from the class.Metadata (e.g. attribute name, raw and localized description, numeric ID) of each attribute is accessible.Choices which are suffixed by _ to avoid clashing with Python keywords have this suffix automatically removed in their .name attributesLookup functions are available to help getting attributes or their metadata.

Note Grouping choices One of the worst problems with choices is their weak extensibility. Note the behaviour: Advanced functionality Filters. A lot of django! Package Index : PyPI. Instant Django.